It affirms that the issuance of green bonds by the ICO and the Treasury will continue


The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, has advanced this Monday that the Executive is working on the preparation of a ‘green book’ on sustainable finance, which it hopes to put out for consultation “soon”.

“We have the opportunity in these coming years to articulate and lay the foundations for a new economy and a very different, circular and sustainable growth model”, stated the vice-president during the inauguration of the conference ‘Sustainability: Transparency and social responsibility of companies’, organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

For Calviño, it is very important that this concept of sustainability is incorporated as one of the elements to take into account every time a decision is made, both from the point of view of the Public Administration and of companies.

“The objective of companies cannot only be to maximize the benefit for their shareholders, but also has to incorporate the impact of their actions on the workers, on the societies and the localities in which they are present”, has emphasized the person in charge of Affairs cheap.

On the Public Administration side, the Vice President highlighted that this axis of sustainability has been incorporated into the economic policy decisions that the Executive has promoted in recent years and has stated that actions such as the issuance of green bonds by the Public Treasury and the Official Credit Institute (ICO) will continue to launch.

At a European level, Calviño has applauded the agreement between the European Commission and Germany for the elimination of combustion engine vehicles and has pointed out as examples regarding sustainability the debates on the Iberian solution or on the regulatory reform in the energy field in Europe, a subject in which Vice President Ribera “has one of the most authoritative and most respected voices”.

He has also mentioned the fair transition of the mining areas and the old coal plants that are being closed in Spain to contribute to sustainability or progress towards a transition that will progressively develop the electric vehicle but without thereby “ruining” a sector as important and strategic for Spain as automobile manufacturing.