
CareDx Denies Infringement of ‘544 Patent Amid Legal Battle with Natera

In a recent development, CareDx, a leading Transplant Company known for its focus on discovering, developing, and commercializing healthcare solutions for transplant patients and caregivers, has reiterated its position regarding the alleged infringement of the ‘544 patent. This comes in response to Natera filing a motion for an injunction related to the patent.

John W. Hanna, the President and CEO of CareDx, stated, “We believe the motion against a process that is no longer in effect is irrelevant, and the District Court is still considering the fundamental question of the validity of the ‘544 patent.” He also expressed gratitude for the support of the transplant community during this challenging time and emphasized the company’s commitment to resolving the matter and refocusing on patient care and clinical innovations.

Natera has previously claimed infringement on three patents, adding complexity to the legal battle between the two companies. The ongoing dispute has captured the attention of industry observers and investors, with implications for the future of transplant care and innovation.

As the legal proceedings continue, both CareDx and Natera are closely watched by stakeholders eager to see how the situation unfolds. The outcome of this dispute could have far-reaching implications for the healthcare industry and the development of new technologies in transplant care.

In conclusion, the clash between CareDx and Natera over patent infringement highlights the competitive and rapidly evolving nature of the healthcare sector. As the legal battle plays out, the industry awaits the resolution of this dispute and the impact it will have on the future of transplant care.