The General Council of the Official Colleges of Real Estate Agents (Coapi) has positioned itself against the new Housing Law, considering it a “populist” measure that “will generate greater insecurity and mistrust in the real estate market”, as stated it’s a statement.

“It is presented as a law designed for citizens and a defender of consumers, but we find ourselves with an ineffective text that forgets the owner,” they have pointed out from Coapi, denouncing that the payment of real estate fees be reverted to the landlord.

On the other hand, these organizations consider that the new definition of large holder is “wrong” and that it distorts the regulatory purpose of this concept, and they have pointed out that more than 72,000 individuals will become large owners according to the new law.

“The social responsibility of people with a real estate heritage higher than the average must be based on their greater tax contribution, not on the unfair fulfillment of obligations that violate their rights or on assuming a function that corresponds to the public sector and not to the private “, have added.

The API collective has also criticized the limit on the increase in the rental price, explaining that “it will generate the opposite effect to that desired” because it will reduce the real estate supply and will cause prices to rise.

To solve the problem of the residential market, the Official Colleges of Real Estate Agents are committed to promoting new homes and promoting social rental policies using the Administration’s own resources.

In addition, the Coapi have asked that the housing regulations not be used as an “electoral asset”, arguing that this market requires greater stability and that the “legislative tsunami” of recent years is not allowing it.