The Plenary of the Congress of Deputies will debate next week a Compromís motion to support the ceramics sector financially and laborally through the deployment of tax credits and contribution bonuses against the rise in gas.

As stated in the proposal, to which Europa Press has had access, the Valencian formation has urged the Government to implement tax reductions based on the increase in gas prices, as other Member States of the Union are doing European.

This motion is presented as a result of an urgent interpellation from the Compromís deputy, Joan Baldoví, to the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, due to the situation in the tile sector, strongly established in Castellón, after the rise in energy prices that arose in root of the war in Ukraine.

The Castellón ceramic cluster contributes 2.7% of Spain’s industrial GDP, which in turn consumes 8% of Spanish industrial gas. However, so far this year there have been 77 ERTEs and five EREs that have affected 9,000 and close to 500 workers, respectively. This is why Compromís has warned of the consequences that the poor performance of this industry would have in Castellón, where one in three jobs is linked to ceramics.

With this panorama, Compromís requests to activate the RED Mechanism in the ERTEs so that companies in the ceramic industry can benefit from said instrument as a measure of flexibility and stabilization of employment.

In addition, it has also requested to increase direct aid to the ceramic sector, study mechanisms for the participation of the public sector in purchases of gas at source to reduce its price and establish channels for the recovery of diplomatic relations with countries that are reinforcing their barriers to import of ceramic products.

Ultimately, Compromís urges to accompany the Generalitat Valenciana in its commitment to research in alternative energies for use in industrial activity, more specifically in the ceramic sector. Likewise, it proposes to demand from the European Commission a favorable regulation to allow a drop in the price of energy.