The protests of farmers in France, who are in full mobilization against the Government of Emmanuel Macron, have caused a truck loaded with 25,000 liters of wine from the SAT Coloman cooperative, located in Pedro Muñoz (Ciudad Real), to be seen affected by the concentrations and has been emptied by the protesters.

From the cooperative affected by the loss of these 25,000 liters of wine, its president, Francisco Zarco, has regretted this event and has shown his concern about the situation that is being experienced in France, since another eight trucks loaded with wine from the cooperative of Pedro Muñoz will cross France during these days to reach Germany.

Zarco explained that the truck, of Polish origin, was heading towards Germany loaded with 25,000 liters of sparkling wine for a German company, which has purchased half a million liters of wine. For this reason, the president of SAT Coloman fears that these types of events will cause interruptions in their exports.

“We have several shipments pending shipment to different EU countries and not only us, but the buyer is afraid to withdraw them in case an event of this nature occurs again,” he added.

For this reason, he has criticized that the European Union does not take action on the matter because “free movement between member countries is being prevented” nor that the French security forces are acting to prevent this type of situation.

Zarco considers that the protests are legitimate, because “not only the farmers of France are in trouble, but so are we,” arguing that wine consumption in the EU “is in the doldrums” and harvests are increasingly shorter, to which The problem of drought is added to it, “but they cannot protest by annoying the rest,” he concluded.

This incident has generated concern and indignation among the cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, which are evaluating measures to guarantee the continuity of their operations in the midst of a scene of protests that is generating uncertainty in the agricultural sector internationally.

The president of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha, Ángel Villafranca, in statements to the media after the Governing Board held this Friday in Alcázar de San Juan, has shown his indignation at these events.

“We had concern on Monday when we received the communication from the Ministry about the possibility of altercations in transport, but after the events that occurred, what we have today is indignation,” he declared.

Outrage, according to Villafranca, at the fact that the free circulation of goods is not guaranteed within the European Union and at the permissibility of the French Government.

As the president of the organization has indicated, “the problem is the economic damage” that French farmers are causing, since “there are many trucks in the cooperatives blocked and unable to circulate”, adding that many buyers “have canceled orders for fear of aggression”, which causes a delay in the income of the cooperatives.

From the transport sector, the president of his employers’ association in Castilla-La Mancha, Carlos Marín, has also expressed his concern about the “extremely serious” situations that are being experienced in France against truck drivers transporting Spanish products, highlighting that the 80% of the Castilian-La Mancha trucks that cross the French country transport agri-food products.

For the president of the employers’ association, “it is raining in wet weather” and he has criticized the “impunity” with which the French protesters have acted on other occasions and are acting now.

For this reason, it has asked the Spanish Government to take “cards on the matter” and establish a series of forceful coercive measures against the neighboring country every time a situation of this style occurs.