The Independent Trade Union Center and Civil Servants (CSIF), CCOO and UGT are going to present a collective dispute before the Tax Agency (AEAT) to negotiate labor and salary improvements, coinciding with the start of the campaign to file the income tax return.

The collective dispute, which will be formalized tomorrow, aims to reactivate the negotiation to negotiate a new collective agreement, which has been denounced for a year and a half, as well as an agreement for professional careers, pending development since 2007.

“If our demands are not addressed by the Tax Agency, we will be forced to call for mobilizations and we will not rule out a strike in the middle of the income campaign,” CSIF has warned.

The Tax Agency staff also demands the development of teleworking, as well as the negotiation of the opening of the telephone service announced by the first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, without specifying the remuneration or regulating the jobs.

“If the workforce is not reinforced, workers who work in the afternoons will withdraw from activities aimed at fighting fraud,” the union warned in a statement.

Likewise, CSIF considers that productivity should be reviewed, the distribution of which prioritizes the group of inspectors, discriminating against the rest of the staff.

The union has also demanded improvements in working conditions for the Customs Surveillance group, classifying this position as a risky profession and reinforcing material and human resources by developing a true Tax Police, “a need that has become evident after the tragic known events in the province of Cádiz”.

According to CCOO, this collective conflict is intended to highlight the poor working conditions in an organization that is fundamental for the functioning of the State, the fight against tax fraud and the daily fight against drug trafficking and organized crime.