The Association of Energy Efficiency Companies (A3E) has awarded Damm, Mercedes Benz-Spain, the Basque Energy Agency (EVE) and Caja Rural de Asturias, among others, for their contribution to energy efficiency and sustainable development, according to The group has reported in a statement.

The awards, corresponding to the ninth edition of the Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Awards, were delivered during the III Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Gala, an event that brought together 400 people related to the sector.

In this edition, 40 nominations had been submitted for the five award categories that were awarded. In addition, a Special Mention has been awarded to the Basque Energy Entity (EVE), for its promotion of energy efficiency, and to Gerardo Salvador, for his “dedication” during his ten years of experience in the association.

Damm has received the first prize for Commitment to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (in the industrial category) for its environmental management system. The company’s Energy and Environment Optimization Director, Juan Antonio López Abadía, was in charge of collecting the award.

Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi was also awarded in this modality, but in the category of buildings, for its project ‘From Real Estate to SmartEstate: the colonial commitment to intelligent decarbonisation’.

Mercedes Benz-Spain received recognition for the Best Performance of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability for its proposal ‘e-district: new concept of buildings, industrial environments and local industrial energy community’. Two company engineers, Elena Solana and Andoni Duque, collected the award.

Caja Rural de Asturias, with its project ‘Caja Rural de Asturias commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability: efficient office design and other initiatives’, has been awarded in the category of ESG financial entities and investments (‘Environmental, Social and Governance ‘), recognizing its commitment to the environment, society and good governance.

The award for Best Startup has been granted to Bamboo Energy, and its CEO, Manel Sanmartí, and its Business Development Director, Cristina López, have been in charge of collecting the award.

Finally, Ronal Rusbell, from the University of Navarra, has received recognition for Best Energy Efficiency Project for his work ‘BIM Energy Certification Managed Method (MECM_BIM)’.