The company, which begins the dialogue process with the unions, will look for a buyer for the plant and will promote reindustrialization

Danone Spain has begun the process of dialogue with the unions to negotiate the conditions for the closure of the Parets del Vallès factory (Barcelona), as informed sources informed Europa Press this Friday.

Union sources have explained that the closure is due to a drop in sales of the products manufactured at the plant.

The company has indicated that it is committed to promoting the reindustrialization of the factory and to “facilitate the industrial continuity of the area.”

He added that the desire is to reduce the labor impact, as well as “offer the best possible solutions” to affected workers.

Danone Spain has pointed out that the proposal “is part of a local rationalization process with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness of the brands and gaining industrial efficiency.”

In any case, he has assured that “he maintains his commitment to the territory” and that he will continue collecting milk in Catalonia.


Union sources have explained that the company has told them that it has begun the process to find a buyer for the plant, within the framework of reindustrialization.

They have regretted that, for the moment, they have not received “too many explanations” of the future negotiations, although the company has announced that it will carry out a pre-retirement process.

In a statement, CC.OO. has “flatly” rejected the closure, has urged the company to maintain production at the plant and has demanded to negotiate a plan that allows activity to continue and maintain jobs.