The second vice president of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, announced this Thursday that the Executive is going “to go beyond” the Rider Law and is going to regulate the digital platforms that are used to hire female employees. home and home help workers, two “deeply feminized” activities.

“There are no shortcuts with labor rights, whether you distribute food or care for the elderly. Therefore, we are not going to admit that the positive aspects of new technologies are an excuse to return to a model of labor rights from the 19th century,” he warned. Díaz during his participation in a conference on European funds organized by

The second vice president has highlighted the importance of the European directive on Work on Digital Platforms, a regulation that was difficult to carry out and that has been “the most difficult” to achieve.

“I rarely give up in a negotiation and in this digital platform in Europe I was on the verge of giving up. The dialogue was very intense. It was very intense because we had the Macron model in front of us. It was literally impossible to advance in Europe. A model who defended that a worker who goes with an ‘app’ in one hand and on a bicycle is an employer,” said Díaz, who added that, thanks to dialogue and alliances, a directive was achieved “that prevents today a cut in rights in Europe as intended”.

With this rule, as was done in the Rider Law, the principle of employment was protected and the algorithms were placed “at the service of social justice”, putting an end to “situations of abuse in the form of false self-employment.”

“With this directive we were not just putting rules at stake, but we were putting the future of work in Europe and therefore the future of Europe at stake. Now we have this directive and we continue with our work and we are going to take one more step in this matter. We are going to regulate algorithmic transparency, we are going to transpose the directive and we are going to do it beyond the delivery sector. We are going to regulate the platforms that hire domestic workers or those that serve to channel home help. “, the minister has advanced.