The sales manager profile in a dealership is the best paid in the automotive sector in 2022 with an average of 36,623 euros per year, according to the ‘Adecco Salary Guide for the Labor Market’ specialized by sector, a study in which taking into account the essential positions that receive a remuneration of up to 40,000 euros per year.

In second position are process technicians, with an average annual salary of 35,085 euros, followed by automation engineers, with salaries of 35,000 euros.

They are followed by specialists in machining, mold makers and fitters, with an average annual salary of 28,000 euros, maintenance engineers (27,930 euros), commercial advisers (26,905 euros), workshop managers (25,545 euros), electromechanics and specialists. in mechatronics (24,000 euros), specialized operators (20,838 euros) and closing the ‘top 10’ are mechanics, who have an average annual salary of 19,229 euros.

In his analysis of the automobile sector in Spain, Adecco points out that it has been “one of the most affected economic areas” during these two years of the pandemic.

“To the difficulties experienced in 2020, with the temporary closure of the factories, we must add what 2021 and 2022 brought: the lack of semiconductors due to the increase in demand for technological products, the crisis of raw materials, the high prices of energy, the fall in consumption and the serious logistical problems worldwide, factors that have caused a significant reduction in the rate of production, slowing down the recovery that was expected for the sector”, he pointed out.

Along these lines, he added that the sector currently invoices close to 94,000 million euros if the figures presented by manufacturers and suppliers are added.

“This represents close to 10% of the Gross Domestic Product of our country. The automotive industry in Spain has 17 automobile factories, 15 technology centers and 10 automotive clusters, to which must be added more than 1,000 production plants automotive components belonging to 720 business groups,” the report added.

In terms of employment, the automotive industry contributes 9% of work in Spain, with more than two million workers in the production, sales and repair segments and other related services (insurance, finance, vehicle rental, driving schools, etc. .).

Thus, Adecco points out that, according to data from the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers (Sernauto), more than 326,000 jobs (direct and indirect) are generated in the automotive component manufacturing area alone.

“The necessary electrification and connectivity of new vehicles, the growing trend towards more autonomous cars, ‘carsharing’ or the automation and digitization of factories are some of the trends that suggest that the demand for professionals in the automotive sector will continue to increase in the coming years”, underlines the analysis.

In Adecco’s opinion, the need for new professional profiles related to the development and management of components such as batteries, electric motors and software will increase, as well as a significant reorientation of existing profiles to adapt them to greater automation.

To this is added a “significant lack of manpower”, “especially pressing” in some positions, such as for the profiles of mechanic and commercial adviser, “the most demanded during the last year”.