Choosing a college is a very important decision. What you study are where you choose to study are the most influential factors on both your personal and professional spheres. You should understand the conditions around your desired course of study; don’t stress yourself to quit your job in the pursuit of an MBA when you can easily get an online MBA in Canada. There are things many people wished they had known before diving into the pool of college or university admissions. Here are 7 important things to note before applying to any university.

Accreditation of course or institution:

You would want to know if your desired school and course are accredited. Don’t make the mistake of wasting your resources to secure an admission in a non-accredited school or one that has not gotten your course of choice accredited. This goes, especially, if you would be studying online with an institution.


Before you apply at all, you must know the cost of your desired course in your school options. Apart from the tuition fee, many schools have other charges such as faculty levy, health insurance scheme, etc. For a non-indigene, the cost would most likely differ from indigenous students. You should know these. Check for bursary and scholarship opportunities, too.

Scheduled teaching hours:

It is great to keep track of the official teaching hours for students. This is so that you don’t feel oversaturated from long-hour lectures that could shut you down from being productive in other things. Getting scheduled teaching hours would also help you to manage other commitments well.

Work permit/opportunity:

It is good to have a sense and shoulder of responsibility. Those who do always look out for job opportunities so they can be faithful to their responsibilities. You should know if your prospective school would allow this. You won’t like to pay the tuition fee only to realize there is no permit or opportunity for you, as a student, to work other jobs.

Form of Learning:

Some schools offer Distance Learning privileges to people. They allow some courses to be taught online and degrees are as valid as the traditional mode of learning. This form of blended learning is a great option that might work fine for you instead of going for the on-campus part-time program.

Campus Facilities:

You should know the capacity of a school because it matters for being able to deliver what you want to study. Make intensive research about what your desired course entails and crosscheck if your prospective school has what it takes. Get to know about e-libraries, health centers, student support, research equipment and facilities, and other important things you have gathered in the quest for a professional establishment.

Academic Quality:

Knowing the quality of what the school renders is important. A school should have an up-to-date syllabus for her students and provide practical classes (when needed), case studies with relation to the real world, etc. You can make researches about your school of choice, check what people are saying about it and the rating/ranking.