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the Evidence for the sweden democrats ‘ hostility to lgbt people, and so many people that no one should be surprised to learn that one of the SD politicians have recently been trying to stop for a conversation on the history and literature of the library of Täby outside Stockholm, sweden. (DN 30/10).

”A freakshow”. The so-called, for example, Only the current party secretary, Richard Jomshof (“will to live 4/8 and 2018) trans people who perform könskorrigeringar, without sterilization, in the face riksdagsomröstningen of the abolition of the right forced sterilization – and one of the SD as a single party voted against it.

And who could forget about the Bear The , the infamous comparison of homosexuality and bestiality?

the Obsession with heterosexualitetens the superiority of the part, so to speak, of the national heritage that was the foundation of the party’s formation in the 1990’s, even though the SD is, in recent years, been trying to use the lgbt rights as weapons against the muslims, Jimmie Åkesson, has visited the clubs in order to take care of the votes.

However, it is rare that the resistance is expressed as an ideological one, clearly, which, in Täby, sweden.

” It opens the door for conversations about lgbt people in the literature, which opens the door for the soviet union.

Kommunpolitikern, Steven Jörsäter : required, not only to a conversation with author of Moa-Lina, Olbers Croall ”

should be set to, for he wanted to in the future, and in a timely manner, the notices about the ”controversial” events in the library.

Jörsäter said in his e-mail to (among others) bibliotekschefen to be the one who opens the door for conversations about lgbt people in the literature also opens the door for the nation’s decay.

”It is a crisis that exists in Sweden today is the lack of standards. There is a difficulty in understanding and adapting to the standards, which can integrationsproblematiken. In the same way, a lot of the issues regarding the difficulty of students to adjust to social norms. To criticize the standards, or to call into question the natural relationship between a man and a woman and our gender identities we think of as destructive. This should not be the municipality of Täby, to contribute to it.”

The English nation, it must be kept free of all perceived abnormalities.

” It is believed that the SD has been changed to a more ”allmänborgligt” lot, through the years, would do well to read Steven Jörsäters argument, once again, the same goes for all those who believe that the party is going to be opened up further, to just being out in the heat, and would be regarded as a party at any time.

Kommunpolitikern summarize: the core of the nationalist one, which he had rarely express in public.

he had don’t think that the muslims are our greatest foreign threat since the second world war,” in order to believe that islam is a bad religion, and they don’t think it’s a bad thing that gay people have kids because it’s a bit scary, with the black showing her bottom in a gay pride parade.

for The love of the English nation, must be free from perceived discrepancies – regardless of whether they are of a sexual, racial, or cultural. There can be no success in the public opinion to change.

Anna Hellgren, editor, and writer for the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida.

see MORE of Anna Hellgren: The decent and right-wing meltdown is a problem.

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