When it comes to the admission essay be ready that the time you are going to spend on the text writing should be doubled. Inasmuch as the preparation of the essay has one more stage beside the writing process, which is text editing.

It seems to be quite simple but in reality, the process is tricky. The point is that essay editing is a multi-part process because it is necessary to edit the text formatting as well as the content.

However, do not panic ahead of time. The admission essay editing still could be simple as it seems to be a first glance. The whole secret is in the preparation. Make the editing plan and follow it. This will help you to self-organize and discipline yourself. What is more, the plan assures that you will not miss anything important.

Admission Essay Editing Plan

The editing plan should include the following items:

  • Essay formatting requirements
  • Logical text structure and relevant content
  • Lack of stylistic mistakes
  • Grammar and punctuation

Essay Formatting Requirements

Consider that the admission essay is an academic text, so, obviously, it has an established form and features. So, necessarily check what text formatting standards are required. The list of such requirements includes text size, font, page margins, word count, paragraph length, etc.

This point is especially important because there are a lot of admissions committees, which won’t even accept the essay for consideration and evaluation if formatting requirements are not met.

Logical Text Structure and Relevant Content

If you want to convey the main idea to the reader, it is necessary to pay special attention to the style of writing.

The texts should be logically built, which means that it has to have a clear beginning, main part, and ending. Moreover, it is not recommended to switch from one thought to another abruptly. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs.

Lack of Stylistic Mistakes

Remember that it is always better to express your idea in a simpler way than to misuse complex speech turns. Do not ignore the help of the Internet and check everything you are not 100% sure about.

Grammar and Punctuation

Your best helper with this item of the plan is any online grammar checker. Just copy the text and paste it into the gap at the checker. The service will highlight all your mistakes and offer correct exchanges.

As you can see there are multiple points to check and edit in the admission essay. Of course, the editing process will take time and effort. So, if you know that you do not have enough time or worry that you can not recognize all your mistakes, it is better to seek professional assistance.

Today it is possible to use the online essay editing service EssayEdge and save a lot of time and nerves.

Professional admissions editors from EssayEdge have a great experience of working with different texts including admission essays. They are always ready to help you to provide a perfect essay and get to your dream college or university.