The world of finding a job whether you are switching careers or trying to get started in the professional world straight out of college. The groundwork to set you up for success professionally has to start early. Not knowing what you want to do after college can lead you to make some bad decisions for your career. Something like taking a bartending job instead of an internship is a short sighted move just for some cash now. The following are things that you can do to set yourself up for success in the working world.


The internship could be filled with grunt work but it also gives you the ability to build a relationship with the staff of the company. Companies often times are willing to hire their interns full-time after a few stints as the intern. Learning the processes for production at a company allows the company to see how you work and whether you would be a good culture fit. At the very least you can get a good recommendation from a company in the niche that you want to work for. This gives you the experience that you need to start an entry level job doing what you love.

Apply To Great Companies/Firms/Practices

Finding the perfect fit right out of college can be difficult but it is important to apply to only the best of companies. If you have gone to law school take a look at firms in the area as well as the case results on the site for the firm. In other niches it is important to take a look at LinkedIn profiles of former employees of the company. This way you can see how the company’s employees do when they move on. Those companies with name recognition can be seen as a great education to work there and can set your career trajectory up for the next decade. Ask the person interviewing you where some former employees are working to see if they have taken a step up or a step down in terms of job title.

Never Stop Looking For Your Dream Job

One thing that far too many professionals do is that of getting comfortable at a job then stop searching for their dream career opportunity. The best opportunity is not going to wait until you are unhappy at your current job or when you are out of work. Constantly keep an eye out for these opportunities and apply even though you might not fit some of the requirements. Experience is a requirement that disqualifies plenty of people from the job search but it is have experience and are successful the amount of years can be overlooked. Take time to write some articles for LinkedIn and other industry publications that are related to your career. You have to build your personal brand in order to be given a great job that has plenty of competition.

Be proactive when it comes to your career as the work day is far too long to be unhappy day after day. Your dream job will not be given to you but rather you have to take it!