I am not accusing Apple of to cover up a serious flaw in the Iphone. On January 10, rang the bell, suddenly, the phone on full volume while I had the headphones on. Chockvolymen has caused a severe hearing loss and I am going through in the fall, a ten-week-long treatment for tinnitus.

Apple’s response has been to deny that there are some bugs in the software, or any other fault of the phone. Instead of blaming the company that it should have been a fault of the headphones, despite the fact that the same thing happened when I had the phone connected via bluetooth to the car’s speaker system, and when the phone has not been connected to any other system in the first place.

in addition, I have received dozens of testimonials from people who have been through the same thing, ie, the phone suddenly rings at the highest volume. This is in addition to the testimony of the various blogs and user forums, such as ”the Maxes of the iPhone the volume everytime the bluetooth connect’s”. Tens of thousands of people in sweden have probably experienced this.

a preliminary Investigation, but Apple is refusing to respond
the Consumer protection agency has started an investigation concerning the violation of the product safety act and sent a letter with a number of questions as to the performance of the devices. The company has not responded to the Consumer’s questions, in spite of a reminder, after the response time expired on the 15 of August. Apple is acting like an ostrich and bury their heads in the sand, in the hope that this scandal will blow over.

How many more are going to be affected by the hearing loss, before the Apple starts to listen to?

When I was first contacted Apple’s customer service to report this error, so I assumed that it would take the tasks seriously, launch an investigation and warn the others. Instead it was connected, I eventually – after a touch of Apple to the press, and articles in The Newspaper and the Express – forwarded to a representative of the union, with the title Executive Relations Liaison” for the company in the republic of Ireland, who only wanted to communicate by telephone, and not to provide a written response to the questions I have asked. The only news is that they do not find any fault in the phone that was sent to Apple for testing. Apple’s ceo, in Sweden, would not respond to the letter.

Poor safety
a Question that is very difficult for outside observers to put themselves into a modern phone, the mode of operation is technically extremely complex. A smart phone is an advanced computer software which can be control by anyone other than the company itself. Technology develops at an extremely fast pace and in order to cope with the competition, introducing new features and services, everything can be tested to the full. The impact of the complexity of all composite systems have been investigated. The safety of the product suffer as a result.

we All know that computers and phones are full of more-or-less serious bugs. The devices freezes, apps stop to work, and the phone behaves generally weird. These are the errors in the software can be fixed to IT and mobilbolagen then sends out updates to the consumers. The wrong part of your everyday life. Less common, is that they are not going to try to correct the errors when they are made aware of them, or that they do not make up for the orange.
more and More sufferers need to register
I hope to get more people to report this type of error to the Consumer, in order to induce Apple to take responsibility for their products so that they comply with reasonable standards of health and safety. How many more people are going to be affected by the hearing loss, before the Apple starts to listen to?

I would like that politicians take on this issue, in order to create an efficient review of the technology companies, the introduction of a modern approach to safety in the IT and mobile industry, to increase consumer protection and provide better support to those affected by it.

as the Hr manager at Ånge municipality, which in the past worked at the ministry of culture. Written in a personal capacity.

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