In the information age, technology is quicklychanging and creating opportunities that were never possible before. The digital revolution is not only changing the way people learn.It is also changing the way people live their lives. In the workplace, employees need to constantly keep up with new technologies and changes in the business environment. They also need to constantly improve on their skills in order to keep on top of their game. 

Schools are adapting to these changes by incorporating technology in the classroom. However, because of technology’s ever-evolving nature, education is no longer limited to those years in school or the university. It is now critical for workers to keep on learning. To see the range of skills that are highly valuable in the workplace now, this course listing of Atton Institute gives a good idea.

Important trends to note:

1.       Growth mindset.This is a belief that a person can further cultivate his or her basic qualities. This mindset acknowledges that while there are inherent differences in terms of talent, interest, aptitude, and temperament, a person can grow and change. This mindset is important in education because it makes the person want to always learn new things.


2.       Emotional and/or social learning. For so long, education has been about thinking and the learning of facts. However, neuroscientists recently found that emotion is directly related to learning. Negative feelings, like fear or stress, can impede learning. Meanwhile, positive emotions encourage learning. Emotions can be tapped to make the most of the students’ learning experience.


3.       Personalized learning.This is a trend that counters the traditional setup of the student being a passive recipient of information. In personalized learning, education starts with what the student needs. It considers also the best method through which the student will learn.


4.       Brain-based learning. This approach utilizes neuroscience findings to optimize learning. Brain-based learninglessens stress in the classroom. It calls for a good environment design. It emphasizes connecting lessons to previous ones and committing lessons to long-term memory. It boosts creativity through lots of examples. Finally, it highlights feedback, so students will know how they are doing.


5.       Maker learning. Maker learning employs hands-on learning experiences, usually with a group, to solve genuine problems. This setup, used both inside and outside the classroom, allows the learners themselves to direct their experiences. They work together to brainstorm ideas and help each other learn. Mistakes are seen as part of the process and is referred toas “failing forward.”


6.       Blended learning. This approach maximizes new technologies by incorporating these to help students learn. It often offers flexibility in time frames tailored to each student, so they can learn at their own pace. It is often less expensive and time-saving. Students are often more engaged, as they get better resources and more feedback.Learning can be deeper and can provide much needed motivation for students.


These trends can also be applied in training programs for the workplace. In a highly competitive work environment, the approaches can be used in programs for honing employees’ skills.