In the South, when I was a child, me and my brother to follow along with our mother when she could walk, and shop in our neighborhood. As we walked along Långholmsgatan, past the off-licence. We were on our way to the Biresacks grocery store. Sausages hung from the ceiling, and I drank in the smell of all sorts of smoked meats that are low, finely exposed in the counter. Customers were given fine-cut hamburgerköttet wrapped up in grease proof paper and white packaging paper.

and Then navigated back to the fish shop. The window was covered by a flowing curtain. Below the small stairs, and stood in a barrel of salt herring. And the counter was full of the shining fiskkroppar. The last port of call was the mjölkaffären, where we had left our brown empty bottles and the new-filled with fresh milk.

This was before the time of the orphan miles of the refrigerator and the cabinet, prior to the förpackningseländet, and there is huge food wastage. The steak was a Sunday, and the heldagsmat of those who could afford it. Sausage and ground beef served with a twice-a-week matbespisningen. The pork and the mashed turnips, the one night of the week. They had to dig in a little bit of extra in your wallet in order to get to the meat of the table.

Meat has become so cheap
The strange thing is that the meat is just food that is cheaper than the other one. The price of meat has been reduced by 39 in euro/kg since 1990. The consumption of beef in Sweden has increased by 44 per cent since 1990, and pork, with a 35 per cent. The global consumption of meat has doubled since 1990, and although the milk consumption is growing rapidly. One-half of the arable land in the world is used to grow animal feed. Meat accounts for one-fifth of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

The köttbolaget to the sale of the Swedish organic food-meat the high quality of the luxury product, such as meat should be.

Should we, as consumers have to pay the full price, including the price of the destruction of the environment, then we would not be able to afford to eat meat, nor dairy products. Now, it is so, that this is not to take money from us. The people, as a result of the greenhouse effect is affected by the drought, and calls us to not be in the money.
”Great american husbandry,” is not enough
No one is arguing against the fact that meat consumption needs to decrease, rather than increase, as they in fact do. It is, however, very few of the meat-eater who eats less, or stops, in spite of the tremendous negative effects on our quality of life. The argument that we actually have a very good animal husbandry and the cows need in order to keep the landscape open, it will be sufficient, unfortunately. The greenhouse is here, and in particular through the consumption of cheaper imported meat.

at the same time, the politicians of the major parties, and don’t take in the ”meat”. Meanwhile Ernkrans (S), the former chairman of the Environment and agriculture committee, said, ”in General, we need to reduce the consumption of meat in Sweden in the climate and health”, but that is a köttskatt would be liable to endanger the confederation of Swedish agriculture, and in addition, have a small effect. The researchers at SLU, however, has estimated that a tax on beef would also reduce beef consumption by about 15%. The environmental protection agency and the Swedish board of Agriculture, has long argued in favour of köttskatt.

< Spritmonopol was possible to introduce a

and Why did you decide on the spritmonopol, and the taxes on alcohol? It was due to the fact that the Socialists were so confident of his chair, 1936-1976? We have a dictatorship of the politicians to have the courage to take the ”unpleasant” decision-making?

we had made a strong contribution to a more sane and less consumption of alcohol in Sweden. What is the government dare to introduce köttskatt, and the state köttmonopol in order to reduce the consumption? The monopoly will ensure that we have a lot of good-quality, large-selection, and the great information relating to the goods. Why shouldn’t we be able to have a similar facility for the beef and the pork?
the Meat should be viewed as a luxury good,

can you Imagine the fine shops of the goods of high quality at a relatively reasonable price. This would, of course, it may not be sold, imported meats, where the animals had crowded into the tiny spaces, pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, fed on the soy sauce from the burned rainforest land, and is transported and slaughter in horrible shape. All should be Sweden, a ban on the import of the ”unclean” meats! The köttbolaget to the sale of the Swedish organic food-meat the high quality of the luxury product, such as meat should be. Köttbolaget can be combined with Wine, ”So, you want a ribeye from the Velamsgården, then I can definitely recommend this wine.”

We don’t need meat every day in order to live well, but we need to have a land of green and water.

environmental activist

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