the pity of it all was the Third, ” the first pogrom. It took place between the 9th and 10th of november 1938, and would have been the ultimate wake-up call for the abolition of the remaining German jews. The name comes from the glass is shattered, whether it was from the synagogues, to the shops or to the jewish home. This was to be the final death knell of jewish life in Germany just before the theme, ” notorious murders of the era.

Only the jews were released out of the country. Furthermore, prior to the the appalling example of this. Three weeks after the start of the synagogues had burnt down, was the largest student protest in american history. It has surpassed the mythical 1968. The non-jewish the medical profession put mangrant to a ”jewish läkarimport”.

43 000 and was shot in two days,
The worst thing judeslakten took the place in november, and a few years later. It was in the camps Trawniki, located in the south-east of Poland. In which managed 43 000 jews in two days. The desperate cries of överröstades with the loud music, while the German and the Ukrainian, the perpetrators had his gun patter of the gropkanterna of jews was lined up in a row.

One of these has been the leader in the Warszawagettots rebellion in a remote anförvant Szulman, who managed to smuggle a coded message, which is part of the tragedy of December.

Dresden’s victims to be honored more than those
Lägerkommendanten to Trawniki, Karl Streibl, after the end of the war to Dresden, the city where the three braziers brought to 25 000 people. Yet, today, mr president, to the memory of the fallen germans – in a far greater extent than in the Kristallnattens of the victims. Dresden was a gubevars is a city of culture, while the jews were murdered in Trawniki, have remained forgotten by the ”Untermenschen” in the historical memory.

The blood Streibl said, was kvartsekel after the end of the war. He received a short prison sentence and was released due to good behavior.

Efterkrigstyskland have avoided the mass murder in its history. A third of the kingdom, the administrators of the new maktbefattningar. The old waffen-SS unit receiving a peer-protection against nazijägarna.
Swedish ”neutrality”
In summary trials called, a jewish witness, as my good friend, BK from Malmö, sweden. I remember his despair when he told about how the judges put to him, in the face of increasingly intricate questions. He had never been to a jail inmate while the defendant was a’s diary, which held the other behind his back, with its rule of law assistance.

the Archbishop Antje Jackelén.Photo by: TER in the public sector
the many of the germans and the balts, whose traditions are far from pure. Many of them were killed, entered, or the pillaging of their jewish fellow citizens. Sweden remained neutral vis-a-vis this, the flow of refugees, as a neutral during the second world war malmexport, and transit.

While the second generation of jewish survivors, have written a multitude of books on the murder of our generation, with the fiendeföräldrar been kept much quieter.

< Judehatet grow
The andragenerationstyskar who have come in later, and doesn’t want to tell you that. However, it is high time for the judehatet is growing in Germany. A little more than one fourth of the German houses, in the day of the anti-semitic views, according to a recent study – and the right-wing AfD, go up by leaps and bounds.

It would be interesting, for example, to hear of our bishop and to tell a wider audience about what happened in her German home town. She has probably heard a thing or two about the jews, as a skymfades or killed.

In your Herdecke came to ruskigheter, or how, Antje Jackelén? Even after the Kristallnacht? Tell us what you have heard, of the third generation. Or was it just a good christian, in Herdecke, which helped the jews during the war, all of the kristallnätter?

as a Physician and a writer.

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