the Opportunistic populism. That is what the government calls Their ambition is to curb the extremism, the development in Sweden, and to stop the future terrorist attack. It is a högröstad of the government as baseless, accusing the us of, among other things, to undermine the Säpos the business, and provide all sorts of instruments. This is not the case. In other countries, such as Italy, Denmark and the united kingdom has carried out the deportation of security threats. The government says they are working to eliminate the verkställighetshinder. The work should be commenced immediately after the individuals were placed in custody, so that they are ready to be expelled. What we have said is that, so long as the trial is ongoing, they should be six to safety and security risks to be held in custody for so long as the law is concerned.
Maybe, of course – after four years of Säpos request.

The thing that really undermines the Säpos the work of the government’s procrastination. For the two-and-a-half years ago, in march of 2017 was added to the Fbi with a letter to the government, in which they requested that the law on taxation of alien control, the ORGANISATION would be tightened up. After pressure from, among others, the Christian democrats joined the government in the terroröverenskommelse, which was signed in June 2017 at the latest. Then it was up to the government to enter utredningsdirektiv. It took more than a year. The investigation is not complete, and will be able to enter into force in the first four years after the Säpos of the request. As a further example of the government’s inability.

< Gävleimamen For It.Photo by: < / b> ALL of the royal school for the deaf
terroröverenskommelsen was also to prohibit the dealing with a terrorist organization. This is something that will senfärdigt that it is almost laughable that the government is trying to beat out of his chest, in order to be made into the matter. The bill was also withdrawn for a time, on the grounds that it was not in line with the constitution, shows how easily the government in its duty to protect from acts of terrorism.

the Grants will continue to flow to extremists, a
In the terroröverenskommelsen we came to a consensus on the fact that no contributions shall be payable to the extremist organizations. On Monday, noted by the Fbi that they ”will see that a large number of organisations with links to the våldsbejakande extremistmiljöer in receipt of public funds by federal, state or municipal grant.” The government’s inability to deal with the problem is again in the spotlight. Why has nothing happened?

Now that the government dreams of denominational schools, despite the fact that the principals on which the government had to release from custody and did not appear at the police department, as he should, did not give rise to a denominational school. It is also clear that the government did not respond to the question as to why they did not act to stop the foreign funding of associations, foundations, and corporations, despite the fact that countries such as saudi Arabia and Turkey are funding and controlling the mosques in Sweden.

There is a real threat to the readiness of the counter-extremism and counter-terrorism, is not that a Christian wants to do all that is possible, but that the government is at a loss. < / span> < / span>

the Party.

the Vice-chairman of the committee on justice.

READ MORE: KS, We have a government that allows radical islamists are rampant: READ MORE: , and Ebba Busch Thor’s populism, though the imams will take all of the price. READ MORE: , Magnus Ranstorp: The contribution of misuse – based islamic parallellsamhälleHär are the statues of the men who threaten the nation’s security