Known for its rigorous discipline, strong academic preparation, and adherence to tradition, England’s secondary education is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. England ranks second in the world for the number of international students – more than half a million people come here to study each year.

The UK secondary education system

You can get a reputable UK secondary education in local schools, both public and private. More than 500 private secondary schools operate successfully in the UK, and their specialization includes providing education for foreign children and young people representing countries around the world.

As for UK public schools, they are funded by the UK budget for the collection of tuition fees in leading UK public schools. This rule applies to British children and adolescents – secondary education in the UK is free for them.

If consider the rating of private schools in the UK, then access to elite secondary education in the UK requires payment. At the same time, the cost of education depends on the characteristics of the school, especially the rating of the educational institution, prestige, location, etc.

Moreover, in England, in addition to public and private schools, preparatory courses have been developed for children and adolescents with a low level of English. Special mention should also be made of summer language courses and preparatory programs designed to effectively prepare for entry into top-tier schools in England and to prepare for a comprehensive secondary education program in England. The duration of education is one month or more. Such UK secondary school preparatory language courses help to significantly improve English proficiency and deepen understanding of the academic subjects required for admission to UK secondary schools.

Regardless of the type of UK school (public or private), students receive group education with their peers. The following are the age categories for eduaction at each stage of secondary education in the UK.

  • 3 to 5 years old – Pre-school
  • Ages 5 to 11 – Primary Education
  • Ages 11 to 18 – Attend secondary school in the UK.

Please note that there is a separate form of education in the UK, meaning that only boys or girls can attend some of the UK’s elite secondary schools. At the same time, the majority of schools in the UK have a combined form of secondary education.

The benefits of studying in an English school

The undoubted advantages of English high schools, in addition to a strong basic knowledge, include the fact that students are taught to use information (search, analysis, systematization) and the rules of social behavior, they are taught speech and instill taste as art.

Sports are also valued in British schools (popular sports are tennis, cricket, golf, horseback riding, soccer) as a tool to exercise physical abilities, as well as a means to promote health and as a method of socialization. The country has made great achievements in the field of inclusive education: today, for children with special needs in secondary schools, there is both the necessary technical equipment and a specially teaching staff.

How to go to school in the UK

The characteristics of admission to private schools in the UK depend on the chosen educational institution – each school has its own procedures. Therefore, an action plan is usually developed after creating a list of several schools that the student will enter.

Applications to most educational institutions are made online, which greatly simplifies the life of potential students from other countries. However, the documentation must fully comply with the school’s criteria – the presence of inaccuracies reduces the chances of admission, as it does not describe the prospective student in the best light. The best way to avoid disappointment is the service of educational institutions, where the procedure of submitting documents has been repeatedly passed with previous clients and the risk of errors is practically reduced to zero.

What documents from the current school are required to enter a private school in the UK?

Again, there is no single answer to this question – educational institutions provide a full list of documents on their websites and in their applicant handbooks. Many schools will list things like “additional documents (if any)” so that you can add to the package.

Documents required for admission to a boarding school.

  • Current school academic record information – sometimes required for the current school year only, in some cases for the first two or three school years. Often, educational institutions will require transcripts, excerpts indicating subjects passed, credit hours, and grades.
  • Teacher Recommendations – The number of these documents may also vary. In some places, a letter from the classroom teacher or principal will suffice, in others, letters of recommendation from English and math teachers will be required.
  • Student Behavior Report or Student Profile – Some schools require that student behavior records be released as a separate document that has been carefully reviewed. However, the document may still be referred to as an additional document.

At what age can send child to study in the UK?

In theory, you can choose a school that can accept children from abroad as early as 7-8 years old. It is up to you to decide how much you need, but it is more likely that 11-13 year olds will go to study in the UK. This is a time when people are independent enough to adapt to a whole new environment, when parents are no longer the center of the universe and their own interests and abilities are realized, but the right guidelines and goals are especially important. Of course, temperament and life baggage should also be taken into account: adjusting to a new life can be more difficult for a shy, shy child who has never had a parent than for an active, sociable child. To prepare for studying abroad, you could go to a summer camp in the UK and choose a language, sport or creative outlet. This will be a useful education and rehearsal for independent living.

How much does it cost to go to school in the UK?

Of course, the cost of studying for children and young people in England is somewhat less than studying at university. However, in some prestigious schools it can reach similar targets.

Thus, learning English in the UK can start as early as three years old: however, at this age it is best to attend home classes so that young learners do not get lost in their new environment. But from the age of 5 to 7, children can already learn without their parents present.

Summer courses are a great option for children of any age, ranging from 2 weeks to a month – where kids can improve their language skills and have fun during the holidays. Language courses for children can cost from £700 to £8,000 to study.

If you are interested in studying for a longer period of time, then you can enroll in a private boarding school where you can study for 1 year as if you were in a school. In this case, the child’s parents will need about £190-40,000 to cover the costs of one academic year. You can send your child from 7 to 18 years. More information to link below: