at the end of the last word in ”the Raven”, my reaction in the moment, without blocking the reflection. It was not possible to hold them back. I was applauding. It must have been like for the first time. I was a bit taken by surprise. But a happy one. Dubravka Ugresic , is back. And ”the Raven” is a great, powerful, and healthy svårsummerad of the novel.

in the Novel? No, I don’t know. Or, perhaps not.

In the book, she moves like a restless exilakrobat of Europe’s towns and cities. Moscow, Naples, London, and her home town of Zagreb and the city of Amsterdam. And as a restless, between the memories, scattered notes on small pieces of paper, and a romantic love story between the ancient Croatian minefields, geeky, digs of the Russian avantgardister who were killed during the Stalinterrorn, conversations in cafes and the essäistiska reflections on the relation between life and writing. What is an author? How to get a story out? Really. And, at the same time, it’s like reading a great svirrande of the novel.

You know vinddraget of the circumstances that throw the old on the right). Be good at it, and it’s all gone.

I remember when she came out of the yugoslav wars of the twenty-odd years ago, this type of writing is a kind of modern totallitteratur, the wonderful, The absolute kapitulationens museum. Many people read and were influenced. It was an eye-opener, and became the starting point for a new wave of intellectual autofiktion. She was quick-witted, inventive, and very serious.

Then, she said at the start of a short european era, when everything seemed possible. Now, she comes back in the same manner as it appears to be ending, and a new ormägg to be fed into the inkubatorerna. The two books should be read together, and to build up an enduring masterpiece, the continental generationsroman.

it describes a way of krigsgalenskapen of the republic of Croatia to the united Europe, which is never to provide any real oversight, no support, no hemlandskap. The only loss will be permanent. The style she has chiseled the front is, therefore, both a fragmented and a comprehensive, deeply personal, and highly political at the same time. ”The fox” is full of loose ends, unanswered questions, and the interruption of the studies. So, it needs to be. Such was his life. This is in Europe.

So, what is an author? A cunning fox in the tall grass, she says.

I did notice that the sound of the abstract and the theoretical. But it is not that at all. Ugresic has a rare ability to slowly envelop the reader in an intimate and “spiritual” conversation about her life, about our way of life. You know vinddraget of the circumstances that throw the old on the right). Be good at it, and it’s all gone.

” what is an author? A cunning fox in the tall grass, she says. However, I do think she is wrong. The author is a person who, by writing in vain attempts to save themselves from the inevitable uncertainty, you are always restless, always on the move. As Dubravka Ugresic, more or less.

the Raven.

the Translation of Djordje Zarkovic ”

Albert Bonniers publishing company, 305 p.

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as Per Wirtén is a writer and collaborator in the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida. His most recent book is, ”Are we there yet? The dream of a united states of Europe”.

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