this is a rule that will take any price when it comes to the opportunist populism, accusing the christian democrats and Ebba Busch Thor, and Andrew Carlson, the government, in order to allow ”extremism is rampant to those who have been taken into custody, then they pose security risks can not be deported to their country of origin.

This is completely wrong.

in the case of those who were taken into custody, as adopted by the government in accordance with the Säpos the proposal for expulsion.

it is not able to be carried out at the present time, this is because the courts, the migration court of Appeal has determined that they are at risk of being tortured or put to death. And then it may not be a deportation enforcement, in accordance with Swedish law and the european Convention on human rights.

Respect for the rule of law,
today, Sweden is a state governed by law. This means that the government must respect the court order and that, as in other european countries, the need to comply with the Convention.

Or the mean of the KD for the government to violate the constitution, in the face of a court order and the leave of the council of europe and the Echr?

In this case, the christian democrats, the new collaboration with the SD, obviously, has grown more than anyone could have imagined.

There is a KD that is more than any of the other party, driven out of the religious schools in Sweden. There is a risk that the seedbed of religious extremism and radicalisation.

Sweden is not alone in this situation. On the contrary, the. It’s a dilemma faced by democratic states governed by law had to face, and there are plenty of examples of where the european countries have not been able to enforce the penalties for these reasons.

the christian democrats are damaging to the credibility of the secret service
the christian democrats claim to be one of the most förvarstagna now ”disappeared”. This is a wrong statement, and as it is presented by the centre for the representatives of a parliamentary party-so damage, and it undermines the public’s trust of the secret service. It is a serious matter, and ought to give us pause for thought.

the christian democrats, eight-year-long regeringsmedverkan has happened in practice is nothing when it comes to the fight against terrorism. Despite the fact that the travel IS in Syria/Iraq, culminating in the 2013-14 then lifted his KD does not the touch of a finger, in order to prohibit the terrorresorna.
So, we’ve tightened up the laws,
ever Since we took office we have also seen that Sweden today has the most stringent laws against terrorism, ever. Terrorresorna has been banned, the ban is against the terrorfinansiering has been extended, and it is also forbidden to receive the terrorutbildning.

the Possibilities for covert wiretapping has been expanded, and the storage of the data in place, and the law enforcement agencies will be better able to read the encrypted communications through a secret serial data. The various tables is now a proposal to prohibit the affiliation with a terrorist organization.

in Addition, funding for the secret service increased by over 45 per cent during the course of our years in government.

We are now moving on to the reform of the ORGANISATION, the adoption of a particular alien control. This law, which was put forward by the socialist government in 1991, the society has the means to keep risk individuals under surveillance.” These opportunities must, however, be greater, and, therefore, we have set up a review of the legislation. Our goal is to Säpos the need to control the law in this respect.

what should the christian democrats have in the religious and private schools?

a Team of Thor, and He is accusing us of taking the easy-on-extremism. What would you say about KD?

The Christian democratic party, which is more than any of the other party, driven out of the religious schools in Sweden. There is a serious risk that the religious schools will be the setting for religious extremism and radicalisation, and that there are no data on tax dollars from the schools, through the vinstuttag been brought in from abroad.

in the parliament last year, on our initiative, voted for a system of ägarprövning of the schools, in order to be able to stop the extremists from taking over schools, then voted in favour of the christian democrats, no.

We, the socialists and democrats will always stand up against extremism and the fight against terrorism. However, this is not the situation with an opportunistic move, but with greater resources, stronger laws and more effective policing tool.

the Attorney general

the minister of the Interior.

READ MORE: , and Ebba Busch Thor, We have a government that allows radical islamists wreak havoc frittMisstänkta noted For It: ”Discrimination against muslims”