When the Christian democratic party, opens this weekend’s national conference of the party is a sectoral party that is gathered here. In KD, the seething discontent towards the inhumane direction of the party developed during the Ebba Busch Thor’s party. Many of us have hope that the forces of the party which is fighting for the party’s roots in the concern for the most vulnerable, and the unconditional solidarity will all take place, to raise their voice and make an impact.

for decades, The green Party and the Christian democrats were able to cooperate in a way that proved to be successful, despite the fact that they have big ideological differences.

the Christian democratic party, was earlier branded as a humanist party, as a priority, the dignity of the individual and also for the world’s most vulnerable people. In the context of the so-called ” Påskuppropet 2005, the Christian democratic party, along with, among others, the green Party, in a motion of protest against the then government’s policy, which it regarded as inhumane.

This, then, was pleased to be able to meet with Christian in the one common belief in the dignity of the human being is not an arbitrary one. That on this day, 15 years later, is witnessing the way in which the same party is going in exactly the opposite direction, and it is the driving force for the Swedish sphere should cooperate with The sweden democrats, are deeply sad and for a lot of money. At the same time, the world’s most vulnerable are in greater need of charity than ever before.
Would like to limit the reunification of families
Their are now so far gone that they want to restrict the right to family reunification, are we, the greens, the obligation to pay attention to. The party’s politicians have the same access to studies and reports, they are, in other words, well aware of the fact that family reunification is a basic necessity for the people parents and children should be able to feel a sense of security for their future and become established in their new country of residence.

Let the green miss you, humanists and defenders of the Christian democratic party, which for decades has protected the people on the flight.

time and time again to hook the arm with the right-wing populists, it the Christian democratic party, slowly but surely, all traces of the party it once was. They are human values that have historically characterised the party’s policy has clearly changed.
Internal resistance of the KS
However, there is internal resistance. We have political friends in the Christian democratic party on the local, regional, and national levels, which is, of course, want the lot to be developed, but not at the expense of the party’s core values. They are fighting for a national executive who does not stand up for a humane migration policy. Last Wednesday, called for the eleven high-profile democrats that the party must stand firm on the right to family reunification. The proposal to re-establish a permanent residence permit has a lot of support, and it runs contrary to the will of the party and the harder the line is. It will give hope.

he said that lack of you, the humanities, and the human rights defenders of the Christian democratic party, which for decades has protected the people on the run, defending the right of asylum, and at the same time, standing up for those ngos that are helping the most vulnerable migrants. We do not have the opportunities we identified, which provided us with the tools to align us with where the world is on fire, for those who need us the most.
We have to help the climate refugees
more than 200 million people are expected to flee because of climate change. It is a rich part of the world, who bear the major responsibility for climate change, and at the same time, there are also those of us who have the ability to provide the level of protection for people on the run.

the world is in greater need of humanity than ever before. Many of us have hope that the Christian democratic party, close the door to the högerpopulismen, and in its place, along with the rest of us, to take their human responsibilities.

the Mep of the green Party, the greens.

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