on Friday, proposed to the American Football (SEF), and the Fotbollssupporterunionen (SFSU) in common, a national co-ordinator will be appointed with a mandate to re-establish the synergy between the game parties. This is in order to break the current deadlock in the discussions between the fotbollsrörelsen, and the police department. A very good idea to me, as I am in full support. Something has to be done in order to revert back to the earlier years of a successful partnership between clubs, supporters and police, which resulted in a more popular, safer and more secure in the Swedish football.

< Villkorstrappan

the Impasse springs from a dispute over the police’s new in the application of the so-called ” villkorstrappan is a collection of the escalation of the repressive measures which will be taken over a period of time until the police attained a target of zero, up the city at the match. The planned measures are only know to the police, but during the year we dealt with the prohibition of tifon, a greatly reduced läktarkapacitet, the demands of intimate, ”samtyckesvisitation”, and a general clamp-down.

the Police’s methods have had the opposite effect,

the Fact is that the police’s approach to, and in accordance with all of the research in this area has had an effect opposite to that desired, if the more secure of the event. The use of a non-tillståndsgiven of pyrotechnics, it has not declined at the same time, as the tension between the visitors and those that will be in place in order to protect them, has not been a major for a very long period of time.

We are in ringhörna and look at each other as the situation gets increasingly out of hand.

As a football fan, it pains my heart to see the kapacitetsreducerade the stand, and as the chairman of AIK fotboll pain and the further it will see supporters and staff work very hard in the congress and in securing the event, but the face of the collective punishment and the loss of income. Alarming escalation
Most of all, however, the current situation is unpleasant for me, as a member of society. In all of my assignments in the sport, the public and the private, interaction, and trust have always been the key word for success. When the conflict between the fotbollsläktaren, and the police department during the year has increased dramatically, I will be therefore worried. Worried about what this year’s strategic shift from the police, brought to the agency’s relationship with the young people, and worried about a situation in which tensions escalate into violence.

Despite the fact that the state is a very serious matter of football, as a movement, stands as a cultural expression, and to the police as a trusted institution, we, unfortunately, don’t come a lot closer to a settlement of the differences between us. After a number of meetings, it seems we have continued to be so locked in to our positions, to framåtdrift of the question, it would be impossible. Instead, we are each ringhörna and look at each other as the situation gets increasingly out of hand.

Add a national co-ordinator, and Democrats
Against this background, I welcome the national co-ordinator. We are in need of an unbiased interlocutor who understands the game, the police and the public policy to mediate and resolve the ever-tighter knots, which in the year incurred. This is so that we will be able to move forward. However, the situation is the lack of a winner, and something needs to be done. Therefore, I request that the minister of interior affairs, Mikael Damberg, listen to the game’s proposal, and the establishment of a national co-ordinator.

the Chairman of the AIK Football team.

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