< Ardalan Shekarabi has made it his mission to fill in the lögnfabriken, a project that was started in the context of the EUROPEAN elections, in order to account for the lies that is being spread by the democrats. The last was a minister there, and lied to about the health and safety personnel, and now, he continues to spread misinformation about our policy and the economy.

the Brazen claim Shekarabi, that we are ”anti-worker” and would ”jeopardize the security” of a wage earner. Nothing could be more wrong. We are committed to the concept. We would like to make a fund of general compulsory state-funded. Today, 30% of the population without any insurance policy for the coming recession. We would like the ceiling in a cage, up from the current 910 sek 1 200 sek. We would like to extend a statute of limitations for arbetsmiljöbrott – a proposal which, in spite of the support of the LO, was voted down by the democrats.
A lot is in a free fall
at the same time, are the democrats in free-fall. The voters have seen through the lies and turned the party back. Shekarabi, lift the rate of employment, at the same time, Sweden will soon have the EU’s highest unemployment rate. Instead of taking voters ‘ concerns seriously, lajvar Shekarabi workers, in spite of precisely zero experience with, and is trying to build its own brand. It is both disgusting and transparent.

In the meantime, Shekarabi spreading lies in the media-meet our experts, in order to take the responsibility of developing the policies for the voters are abandoning the Shekarabi for it. It is for this reason that the Day soon, the country’s largest party – the voters will know who’s protecting their interests, as in the real thing.

Arbetsmiljöpolitisk speaker, and a construction worker.

READ MORE: , Shekarabi: the SD wants to crush the unions, and the Swedish model. READ MORE: , SD, to cut the salaries of thousands of teachers. READ MORE: Lögnfabriken’s should deal with the internal judehatetSifo: Åkesson, larger than the Leaves of the storstädernaSD has had its greatest support in rural areas, however, a new Sifomätning shows how the party is enjoying increasing confidence in the big cities.