Can a machine think? Alan Turing , who broke the nazi’s Enigmachiffer – answered the question with a new one, can a computer, communicating with us, so that it can not be distinguished from a human being? Then, we were able to attribute to it a kind of way of thinking. An artificial intelligence system.

”Turingtestets” the challenge was formulated in the year 1950. Four years later, Alan Turing, his life, convicted for the beating-up by police, or hormone replacement therapy. He chose the latter. But then, a bite of an apple coated with cyanide.

”the Machines, which shall He live.” He opted for the prison, the researched, and the speed of the digital transition. It’s not the only one retrofuturismen the protagonist of the novel, in 1982. Britain to lose the falklands war. And the Beatles are reunited.

The teenager was raped and her closest friend, committed suicide after.

the Speaker is a light-weight named Charlie, Friend, but get a romanöde when he bought the Adam. An android software that gives gifts with no limit. Shakespeare vocabulary with the soft accent of Cornwall. It’s quite amusing. However, the by Ian McEwan : to be a responsible subject of his book, and then it bumps it to him.

on Top of Charlie’s Friends live, Miranda. The start of a relationship, and Adam is confused. The whole thing will be a lot of advanced Turingtest. And it is He who is behind the creation of the perfect Adam, and it is more than tjoget of his ilk put out in the market. By both genders, Adam and Eve, scattered all over the world. Their specialty is to co-exist with the poor people, which is at the same time, leading them to despair and suicide.

This is an interesting point, however, Ian mcewan’s responsible in the case arises from a crime of the Afternoon. The teenager was raped and her closest friend, and committed suicide after. Charlotte took revenge by staying with the perpetrator, and accuse him of rape, and sentenced to a long prison term.

This is according to Ian McEwan, a deep moral dilemma. However, it is, of course, is nonsense.

Charlie, do think that Miranda was right, it was a sunny afternoon. Adam is in the wrong tillvitelsen is a criminal offence to the prosecution, the fact that Charlie and Miranda are preparing to adopt a child and start a life together.

This is according to Ian McEwan, a deep moral dilemma. However, it is, of course, is nonsense. Nothing in the world creates a real dilemma. What is drawn is at the height of an ordinary voltage is applied between the law and morality of society and the individual. The excitement was more convincing in his ”the Judge”, with the family, Jehovah’s witnesses and the transfusion of blood as a substance. Without the use of a single android device.

on the Machines that I have.

the Translation of the Meta Film.

the Lovers, 397 pp.

to View merVisa off
and Magnus Florin, is an author, playwright and collaborator in the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida.

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