College applications can be stressful. You need to take tests, attend interviews and write essays and all of them are crucial to your success. Even if you did well during the interview, if you submitted a poorly written article, it could bump you out of the passing list. Writing an ordinary essay that does not appeal to anyone could also be a reason. The lack of formality and sophistication in your piece is another reason why the admissions officers may decide not to accept you and if you forgot to use a good metaphor or an inspiring quotation, your essay might seem bland. These are some tips to help you improve the article.  

Always make it personal

Avoid writing on top of your head; delve deep into your heart and feel what you are going to write. It is not like other formal writing tasks where you need to follow a structure or look for a reference as in this case, your best reference is your personal experience and what your heart truly feels. Do not try to fake the emotion in your essay since it would show. 

Find a unique topic

Do not write everything about yourself. You don’t even need to tell the stories in chronological order, as you might bore the person evaluating the essay. Make sure that you look for a unique topic about yourself or your views in life and use it as the centre of your discussion. Choosing this topic will immediately catch attention and you want to stand out from a field of thousands of applicants. 

Try writing about different topics

Writing different drafts is like test driving, and you keep trying everything that looks interesting to you before you make up your mind. When you finally found the perfect topic where you think you could say a lot, it could be the best essay to use. 

Use vivid details

If you read novels, you might notice that the authors are descriptive. They use adjectives all the time to describe their experience and the environment as the story happened. You want to hook the readers into your account instead of boring them out, as a dull essay will never make your application stand out. 

Choose the perfect opening statement

You need to understand that there are hundreds upon thousands of applications that every admission office goes through. They do not have time to read everything and therefore, you need to have the best opening statement to ensure that you get their attention right away. Otherwise they will stop on the first paragraph and move to the next application. 

Try to inject humor

Do not be afraid to say something funny as long as it is not offensive. Injecting humor will make the essay exciting to read. You need to write things as they happen, and in your own voice. Be honest though and avoid embellishing stories to make them sound funny. 

Edit before submission

You might feel excited to submit the essay because you worked hard for it. Before you do so, you need to check it one more time to see if there are spelling or grammar issues; find out if you used sophisticated but understandable language. 

Once you’ve done all these tips, you can only hope for the best results. 








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