What is the right to receive straffrabatter? The wonder of Internet), Ling (MP) in his (23/10). Best summed up, perhaps, the necessity of the punishment of Jerzy Sarnecki has an article in the Quarterly, published on the same day: ”There is a lot of wide-ranging research which shows clearly that the inkapacitering effect on the crime rate. The reason is simple, you’re in jail, you cannot commit a crime.”

straffrabatterna not only that, the criminals will be out on the streets. They are also unfair.
100 barnvåldtäkter

In march, the court handed down a judgment in the Supreme court, in a case in which a man is committed to 100 barnvåldtäkter over the next five years. The attorney-general, had called for the law’s most severe penalty, to 14 years of age. But even then, it could be distributed. A 16-year-old, who murdered a man at a pizza place in the World, was sentenced to three years of inpatient care. In January, the court sentenced a man in London for a serious vapenbrott, rough kvinnofridskränkning, three counts of drug-related offences, illegal driving and drunk driving. Thanks to the Internet) At the nursing straffrabatterna, he is a free man, in 2022.

He Ment to argue that we ought to avoid is to punish the criminals because the prisons are full. The christian democrats believe that it would be a better measure to build the system.

the Treatment is completely blind to the fact that it is the perpetrator who has committed hundreds of thefts are worse than the perpetrators of the theft. He doesn’t think it’s necessary to change the penal system. However, it is not very useful and that it is just an habitual offender at the same period of the penalty, from time to time. They need to inkapaciteras, so that they are physically prevented from committing crimes.

the Christian democratic party believes that the majority of people can, and should, take responsibility for their own actions. It is a commonly held view of all of the other areas of the community, with only a few exceptions.

the MP’s blocking the new law,
Straffrabatterna press offences at a younger age, then, the gangs, the benefits of forcing kids to carry drugs and teenagers to carry out killings, as these have a lower penalty. It’s called the “cliff effects”, and is described in the Ungdomsreduktionsutredningen that the green Party have so far blocked off from becoming law. That He Treatment, choose not to pretend this is a strange thing, and one of the Green party to get the constructive proposals put forward by the criminal policy is to increase the penalties for those who exploit young people with a criminal record. Ling did not mention the victim once in his op-ed. It’s not a problem, because it is very difficult to write a defence of the straffrabatterna of the Swedish system of penalties should be taken into account that the victim of the crime to seek legal redress. Instead, the raljerar was that the united states has a prison sentence of several hundred years, which has been put forward.

He Ment to argue that we ought to avoid is to punish the criminals because the prisons are full. The christian democrats believe that it would be a better measure to build the system.

Rättspolitisk spokesman.

READ MORE: : He Ment: Why do pretend to the right to straffrabatter is a bad thing?

READ MORE: , Not a single word about the victims of crime, when the PM singing the praises of straffrabatter the Court of appeal reduces the punishment for a gang-rape in Stockholm, sweden