Ezentis has registered losses of 60.5 million euros in 2022 compared to the negative result of 139.6 million in the 2021 financial year, as reported by the company to the National Securities and Markets Commission (CNMV).

The group, specialized in the deployment, operation and maintenance of telecommunications and energy infrastructures of large multinationals, has explained that the losses in the net result of the 2022 financial year are affected by amortizations and provisions (-26.5 million euros) , non-recurring results (-15.8 million) and impairment of deferred tax assets (-7.2 million).

The company obtained revenues of 167.6 million euros that decreased compared to 2021 mainly due to the cessation of activity in subsidiaries, mainly in Chile, Brazil and Peru, and the discontinuation of unprofitable contracts.

From the group they have indicated that the business in Spain “remained solid during the year” according to the commercial portfolio, which stands at 266 million euros, with a contracting in the period of 257 million euros thanks mainly to the contracting of the contract with Telefónica del “loop”, among others.

The gross operating profit margin (Ebitda) fell by 7.1%, being affected “by the cessation of activity in various countries and the impact of unprofitable contracts.”

Facing expectations, Ezentis has confirmed that the Board of Directors is finalizing a restructuring plan that guarantees the continuity of the group. “The implementation of the plan will make it possible to consolidate the most efficient and profitable business model, which ensures the full satisfaction and trust of employees, financiers, customers and shareholders”, he highlighted.