Although we are only at the beginning of Justin Trudeau’s third term, 2022 has not been without twists and turns in Ottawa. Some have lost feathers, I leave them alone today. Others stood out for good reasons, it is only the latter that I retain in this distribution of end-of-year merits… or almost.

Meritas “Lighthouse in the Storm”: Pascale St-Onge

Newly elected from the 2021 vintage, freshly appointed Minister of Sports, she could not expect such an eventful year. The Hockey Canada escapades and similar issues in other sports federations have propelled her to the forefront. With a mix of firmness, common sense and effective communication, she was able to navigate through the storms. She makes things change.

“Leadership and organization” merits: Pierre Poilievre

His campaign for the leadership of the Conservative Party is quite an achievement. A tsunami ! The formidable use of social networks, the organization of major rallies and the exit of votes, he rewrote the organization manual. His resounding victory in every corner of Canada gave him a strong ascendancy to lead his party. Was he helped too much by pandemic frustration? Will he maintain this mobilization? Answers in 2023.

“Influence” Awards: Jagmeet Singh

By signing an agreement with Justin Trudeau, the leader of the NDP made a rare and daring gesture. But he has gained some influence. To respect the agreement, Justin Trudeau began to fulfill NDP promises, such as dental assistance. The risk of being perceived as a servant of the Liberals by supporting them for two or three years does not seem to scare him. He wants to help people and is convinced that they will remember him.

Merits “Rookie of the Year”: Jean-Denis Garon

The new Bloc MP is doing well. A regular in the media, he was able to draw our attention to the tenuous place reserved for French on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. He did this effectively by recounting his own experience after a first year as a new MP. His intervention coincided with the realization that all the work of the Rouleau Commission had been conducted in English.

“Coherence and convictions” merits: Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe

The Bloc Québécois member for Lac-Saint-Jean has hammered the human rights file all year long. From the Olympics to the World Cup to the fate of the Uyghurs, he has pressured the Trudeau government for courageous and consistent positions on the matter. He also raised the broader issue of awarding major sporting events to questionable countries from a human rights perspective.

“Shooting Star” Merits: Jean Charest

Charest was used to electoral victories. Should I comment on his decision to step into the Conservative leadership?

Happy New Year 2023!