The alliance between Democratic and Republican Senate leaders showed fissures Wednesday after GOP lawmakers failed to support portions of a sweeping proposal aimed at resolving the state’s record budget stalemate.

The test votes put in jeopardy the larger budget framework Democratic Senate President John Cullerton and Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno have pursued the last month, demonstrating the lack of trust and political gamesmanship that’s crippled state government for two years.

Eager to begin voting after a series of postponements, Democrats on Wednesday pushed ahead with votes on smaller provisions of the multi-pronged budget proposal, measures that both sides deemed "low-hanging fruit." That included bills to make it easier for local governments to consolidate various taxing bodies and to relax rules on how the state, cities and schools buy goods and services.

While the measures passed, they did not receive a single vote in favor from Republicans, who either voted against the proposals or voted "present" — a move often used as a form of protest.

Republicans said they weren’t ready to vote on individual portions of the budget blueprint because other portions are still being worked on, noting the evolving ideas on potential tax hikes and changes to the school funding formula that have yet to be drafted.

"I think there was a little political theater and drama here," said Radogno, of Lemont. "Our caucus wanted everything nailed down before we called the first bills. We talked about a piecemeal approach, and it was the consensus of the caucus that we didn’t want to do that. That request was not honored, and so that was reflected in the votes."

Illinois lawmakers to weigh schools change during budget debate Kim Geiger and Monique Garcia

Illinois Senate leaders are poised to add a contentious issue to their already complicated attempt to break the budget stalemate in Springfield as they turn their attention this week to changing the formula used to funnel state tax money to schools.

Senate President John Cullerton said Monday that…

Illinois Senate leaders are poised to add a contentious issue to their already complicated attempt to break the budget stalemate in Springfield as they turn their attention this week to changing the formula used to funnel state tax money to schools.

Senate President John Cullerton said Monday that…

(Kim Geiger and Monique Garcia)

A related bill to curb retirement benefits for state workers failed to pass. However, that one also was opposed by some Democrats closely aligned with unions who were unwilling to buck organized labor without the help of Republicans. And therein lies the issue: Democrats aren’t willing to go it alone in passing budget legislation, saying it’s time for Republicans who have long been out of power in the legislature to step up.

For his part, Cullerton said he believed Radogno was ready to move forward, but other members of the Republican caucus were not. The Chicago Democrat said he decided to press ahead to put pressure on GOP lawmakers to stop talking about the need for a deal, and starting voting for one.

"I think by calling these votes, in a way, I took her out of her misery," Cullerton said. "She wants to go forward, her caucus is telling her not. And we finally started calling some bills. The story though is that her caucus is not ready to vote, and that’s why I called the bills, to prove that."

Rauner ally seeks spending cuts on universities, care for poor, teacher pensions Kim Geiger

A conservative think tank allied with Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner called Tuesday for slashing state spending on universities, health care for the poor, teacher pensions and grants for needy school districts to dig Illinois out of the red.

Also on the group’s agenda is a plan to let the state keep…

A conservative think tank allied with Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner called Tuesday for slashing state spending on universities, health care for the poor, teacher pensions and grants for needy school districts to dig Illinois out of the red.

Also on the group’s agenda is a plan to let the state keep…

(Kim Geiger)

Republicans have raised numerous issues about the budget package, ranging from all-out opposition to tax hikes to a desire for broad spending cuts to concerns that efforts to cut costs on businesses don’t go far enough. While Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner has been largely left out of Senate talks, GOP lawmakers don’t want to go out on a limb and vote in favor of the budget package if Rauner ends up opposing it. Rauner has long pushed for various economic changes as part of any budget deal, and they worry those contained in the Senate plan don’t go far enough for his liking.

Rauner repeatedly has refused to weigh in on specifics in the Senate plan. During a Wednesday appearance in Normal, he instead offered praise to the Senate for "talking about the issues that matter."

"I applaud the senators for trying to come up with a structure, and I hope that they’re successful. I think it’s all in our interest for them to be successful," Rauner said.

But for now, it’s back to the negotiating table as senators try to salvage even the possibility of approving the far-reaching changes.

"What this is demonstrating today is how difficult this is," said Sen. Toi Hutchinson, D-Olympia Fields. "We’re all on the edge of our seats at this point."

Chicago Tribune’s Kim Geiger contributed from Normal.

Twitter @moniquegarcia

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