
Former Military and National Security Officials Endorse Harris, Criticize Trump as ‘Impulsive and Ill-Informed’

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris received a significant endorsement from over 700 former national security and military officials in the 2024 election. The endorsement came in the form of an open letter published by National Security Leaders for America, highlighting the stark contrast between Harris and incumbent President Donald Trump.

The group of bipartisan senior leaders, including retired four-star generals, former Cabinet-level officials, service secretaries, ambassadors, and even some Trump-era officials, emphasized the importance of electing a Commander-in-Chief with the experience and temperament to lead the nation effectively. They described Harris as a candidate capable of making sober, rational decisions, while criticizing Trump as impulsive and ill-informed.

Notable figures who signed the letter in support of Harris included Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, as well as Republican Secretaries of Defense Chuck Hagel and William Cohen. The diverse group of endorsers underscored the widespread concern among national security and military experts about Trump’s leadership style and decision-making.

The letter accused Trump of undermining the peaceful transfer of power, a fundamental principle of American democracy. It referenced his actions following the 2020 election and his refusal to commit to respecting the results of the 2024 election if he were to lose. The signatories also criticized Trump’s treatment of American allies, citing instances where he publicly and privately disparaged leaders of countries like the United Kingdom, Israel, and Canada.

In response to the critical letter, Trump Campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung defended the President’s record, highlighting his avoidance of starting new wars during his tenure. However, the endorsement from former military and national security officials underscored the broader concerns about Trump’s approach to foreign policy and national security.

### Bipartisan Support for Harris

The endorsement of Kamala Harris by a diverse group of former military and national security officials highlighted the bipartisan appeal of her candidacy. The support from both Democrats and Republicans reflected a shared belief in Harris’ ability to lead the country effectively and uphold the values of democracy and national security.

Among the endorsers were prominent Republicans who served in high-ranking national security positions under Democratic administrations. Their willingness to support Harris over Trump underscored the depth of concern about the current President’s leadership and its implications for national security and foreign policy.

The endorsement letter also emphasized the importance of electing a President who values the rule of law and respects the constitutional norms that underpin American democracy. The signatories warned against the dangers of allowing Trump to continue undermining democratic institutions and norms, highlighting the stakes of the 2024 election for the future of the country.

### Trump’s Foreign Policy Record

The endorsement of Kamala Harris by former military and national security officials also raised questions about Trump’s foreign policy record. Critics of the President pointed to his decision to withdraw support for Kurdish fighters in Syria, his strained relationships with key allies, and his unpredictable approach to international relations as evidence of his unsuitability for the presidency.

The signatories of the endorsement letter expressed concerns about Trump’s willingness to prioritize personal interests over national security considerations, citing instances where he appeared to prioritize his own political fortunes over the long-term interests of the United States. They argued that Harris, with her experience and expertise in foreign policy and national security issues, was better equipped to navigate the complex challenges facing the country.

In contrast, supporters of Trump defended his foreign policy record, highlighting his efforts to avoid entangling the United States in new conflicts and his focus on putting America’s interests first. They argued that Trump’s approach to foreign policy had yielded positive results for the country, citing his efforts to negotiate peace agreements in the Middle East and confront China’s economic practices.

### Harris’ Appeal to Conservative Voters

The endorsement of Kamala Harris by former military and national security officials also highlighted her campaign’s efforts to appeal to conservative and moderate voters. The launch of “Republicans for Harris” and the endorsements from high-profile Republicans like Dick Cheney signaled a broader effort to reach across party lines and build a coalition of support for Harris’ candidacy.

Harris’ campaign sought to position her as a candidate who could unite the country and bridge the partisan divides that have characterized American politics in recent years. By emphasizing her commitment to upholding democratic values, respecting the rule of law, and prioritizing national security, Harris aimed to appeal to voters who may have reservations about Trump’s leadership style and policy decisions.

The endorsement from former military and national security officials provided a significant boost to Harris’ efforts to reach out to conservative and moderate voters. The support from a diverse group of experts with extensive experience in national security and foreign policy underscored the credibility of Harris’ candidacy and the urgency of the choice facing voters in the 2024 election.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, the endorsement of Kamala Harris by over 700 former military and national security officials highlighted the growing concern about Trump’s leadership and its implications for the country. The bipartisan support for Harris underscored her appeal to a broad spectrum of voters and her commitment to upholding the values of democracy, national security, and the rule of law. As the 2024 election approaches, the endorsement from such a distinguished group of experts will undoubtedly shape the debate over the future direction of the country and the qualities necessary in a Commander-in-Chief.