G7 leaders will come out of their summit in Germany on Tuesday to condemn China’s unfair economic practices and promise a “coordinated approach” to deal with them, a senior White House official said, calling the move a “unprecedented”.

The seven powers will condemn, “which is unprecedented in the context of the G7, the harm caused by China’s non-transparent industrial directives which distort the market”, according to this senior official.

“Leaders will commit to working together to develop a coordinated approach to address China’s non-trade practices to ensure a level playing field for businesses and workers,” he said.

“Leaders will also discuss China’s role in the debt trap of low- and middle-income countries”, further warns this senior official, assuring that this is also “a first for the G7”. .

Finally, the G7 will commit, continues this senior American official, to “accelerate progress in the fight against forced labor, with the objective (…) of eliminating all forms of forced labor from supply chains including state-sponsored forced labour, such as in Xinjiang, a Chinese province where Muslim minorities are subject to repression by the Chinese regime.