The gas sector registered a surplus of 289.2 million euros in 2022, which will be used to partially amortize the pending annual payments of the accumulated deficit of 2014, according to the definitive liquidation of the sector for the year 2022, published by the National Markets Commission and Competition (CNMC).

This amortization will be carried out in the next settlement 10/2023, scheduled for September.

Specifically, this year 2022 includes the gas year from October 2021 to September 2022, and it is the first in which the settlement system is in force through independent settlement procedures for trunk transportation activities, local networks, gas plants, LNG and underground storage, as well as for system charges, which finance costs not associated with the use of the facilities, according to Order TED/1022/2021.

In the 2022 financial year, the total income payable in the five liquidation procedures amounts to 3,021 million euros.

For each of the procedures, the payable income is: charges (36.24 million euros), trunk transport (611.45 million euros), local networks (1,585.97 million euros), LNG plants (676, 54 million euros) and underground storage (110.76 million euros).

The total accredited remuneration has been 2,683.6 million euros, which includes the remuneration recognized for the 2022 financial year in Order TED/1023/2021 and in the CNMC resolutions of May 20, 2021, of May 19 2022 and May 30, 2023, and the remuneration recognized by resolutions of the CNMC or DGPEM throughout the 2022 financial year.

As a result of the definitive liquidation in the financial year 2022, according to the CNMC, the annual definitive mismatches between income and costs of the different procedures have occurred: charges (11.28 million euros), trunk transport (46.50 million euros ), local networks (25.86 million euros), LNG plants (213.40 million euros) and underground storage (-7.8 million euros).

Each of these mismatches will be subject to the following treatment in the respective settlement procedures.

Thus, the surplus from the charges settlement procedure will be used to partially amortize the outstanding annuities of the accumulated deficit of 2014. This amortization will be carried out in the next settlement 10/2023, scheduled for September.

The rest of the mismatches of the four settlement procedures for regulated activities will be taken into account as single payments to be included in the 10/2023 settlement, considering the payments already provisionally advanced in the 3/2023 settlement.

The energy supplied and invoiced in the gas year 2022 was 376.1 TWh, a figure 5.3% lower than the demand for 2019 (397.3TWh) and 2.8% higher than the demand for 2020 (365 .8 TWh).

The number of consumers as of September 2022 was 7,985,358, with an annual increase of 16,181 consumers. Of the total, 1,581,067 were being supplied in TUR and 6,404,291 at free price (80.2%).