Govt Ensures Data Security for Starlink by Elon Musk in Indonesia

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has taken steps to ensure the data security of Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, in Indonesia. The Indonesia-based Network Operation Center (NOC) is responsible for monitoring, operating, and recording activities on the Starlink network. Prior to commencing operations in Indonesia, Starlink fulfilled all requirements to obtain a usage permit, with the NOC being a crucial part of the operational permit. The Director of Telecommunication, Communications, and Information, Aju Widya Sari, stated that there are currently two NOC units in West Cikarang and the Indonesian Data Center Building in Karawang.

The establishment of the NOC addresses concerns regarding Starlink’s operating permit in Indonesia. The government mandated that all requirements be met by the Elon Musk company before granting permission to operate. The NOC allows the government to monitor service and technical disruptions at Starlink, ensuring data security. Kominfo’s Director General of Public Information and Communication, Usman Kansong, emphasized that personal and state data security is paramount, with Starlink required to comply with the Personal Data Protection Law.

Academics have also raised concerns about data security, with experts highlighting the need for state intervention to prevent wiretapping and privacy issues. The Director of the Advanced Intelligent Communications (AICOMS) Center of Excellence at Telkom University, Khoirul Anwar, and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) lecturer M. Ridwan Effendi both underscored national security implications tied to potential wiretapping. The government reassures Starlink users that data security measures are in place to safeguard personal and state information.

In conclusion, the government’s proactive approach to ensuring data security for Starlink in Indonesia reflects a commitment to protecting user information and upholding national security standards. By establishing the NOC and enforcing data protection laws, the Indonesian government aims to prevent any breaches or privacy infringements in connection with Starlink’s operations.

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