Employees of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (CDPDJ) chose to exercise their strike mandate on Wednesday to press for negotiations of their collective agreement.

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Advances had been seen at the negotiating table after the strikes of June 16 and 17, but they are not yet deemed sufficient to reach an agreement in principle.

“With this third day of strike, the workers of the CDPDJ show how determined they are to be respected. Their patience is reaching its limits. It is time for the CDPDJ and the Treasury Board to come back to us with offers that meet our legitimate demands,” said Kathrin Peter, president of the union of CDPDJ employees, in a press release.

Without a contract for more than a year, the workers want parity with wage increases comparable to those obtained by other public sector employees.

“For the CDPDJ to remain the essential institution for defending the rights and freedoms of the population, it needs its employees to be well recognized. For this, it must intervene with the Treasury Board so that the negotiation finally succeeds, ”said Jessica Goldschleger, vice-president of the Federation of professionals (FP-CSN).