Companies are looking for a “strong brand” adapted to the new demands of consumers


Ibex companies dedicate between 5 and 15% of their budget to branding, marketing and communication in order to guarantee a “strong brand” adapted to the new demands of consumers.

This is explained to Europa Press by the CEOs of Comuniza, a branding agency and consultancy specialized in branding and innovation, Olga Llopis and Javier Velilla, who have participated in 800 projects from companies in 70 economic sectors in ten countries, and have advised 15%. of Ibex 35 companies.

The budget that companies allocate to their brand depends on different parameters: “Sector, age and size. Companies that seek high growth invest much more. Asana or Salesforce dedicate about half of their income to marketing, while others like Apple or Nike range between 6 and 9% respectively,” the experts explain.

According to Olga Llopis, “a strong brand is almost a requirement for a large company, especially if it is listed on the Ibex. To financial variables such as size, liquidity or float, indicators are added that have radically to do with brand management, such as transparency and reputation”.

In Spain, he explains, “a large part of the Ibex35 companies have carried out transformations at the brand level in recent years, both at the level of visual identity and value proposition. Key sectors such as energy, banking or telecommunications have changed in recent years.

The common pattern, adds the expert, is that all those that have a B2C (Business to consumer) foundation change more and in a more noticeable way than the B2B (Business to business) “which carry out more incremental changes.”

A halfway example is that of Inditex, with a corporate role as a group and a commercial role from its different commercial brands (Zara, Pull

Consumers are asking for greater concern for the environment and a better way of doing business, and that, according to Javier Velilla, marks the strategies of companies such as the aforementioned Inditex; those that belong to the energy sector such as Iberdrola and its motto ‘the good energy’, or the change from Gas Natural to Naturgy.

In the banking sector there has been an adaptation of brands to new digital contexts and consultants cite the change of BBVA and Santander “with updates to their graphic identities to function better in contexts such as mobile.”

In some cases there is a “return to nostalgia,” says Velilla, as is the case of Telefónica recovering the essence of the 1984 logo, adapting it to new times, or its ‘Kisses’ campaign to celebrate its 100 years of history and visualize how technology connects people.