When a new speech, the President of the Republic has given a cape for the different steps of a déconfinement national. The cinemas are concerned and could reopen as early as 15 December, under certain conditions.

[updated on 26 November 2020 at 11h58] Nearly a month after the announcement of a second containment, Emmanuel Macron, presented to the French, during a televised speech on the 24th of November, the different stages of his strategy déconfinement. If a large part of small businesses will be able to reopen as soon as the 28 November, some of the openings are conditioned to the improvement of health indicators. This is the case of the cinema, including the re-opening is scheduled for the Tuesday, December 15, 2020 if, and only if, the situation improves enough to allow it. The head of State has maintained the goals set in a month early to go to below 5,000 infections per day in the whole of France. At this stage, France has 20 000 infections day-to-day is four times more than this threshold.

A time stamp for the evening sessions

Other important information, the déconfinement progressive announced that it is to be accompanied by a curfew between 21 pm and 7 am in the morning. This impacts again strongly to the cinema which, you will recall, the evening sessions are the most popular by the moviegoers. In his remarks, Emmanuel Macron noted, however, that a “time stamp” will be able to enjoy sessions in the evening either at the cinema or at the theatre.

During a ministerial news conference held on 26 November, Culture minister Roselyne Bachelot has stated that it was a permissible tolerance to the spectators of the sessions finishing in 21 hours, so that they can return home peacefully and this in spite of the curfew. For this, spectators must remain in possession of their ticket which shall prevail in case of police control.

What are the rules for going to the cinema post-confinement ?

The minister also recalled that the health protocol in place during the curfew will again be in force. In the room, a distance must be maintained between the different groups of spectators . Employees of movie theaters and spectators must strictly observe the gestures barriers. The cinema will have to put the hydroalcoholic gel available to customers. Finally, the port of the mask remains mandatory during the entire session .

What movies the poster for the re-opening ?