CINEMA MASK – In the midst of a crisis of the coronavirus, Jean Castex, has announced that the mask will now be mandatory in movie theatres, even during the session.

[updated on August 26, 2020 at 11h26] The rules of hygiene will harden in the cinemas. Wednesday 26 August 2020, the Prime minister, Jean Castex, has announced that the wearing of the mask will be “systematic” in the cinemas. Previously, it was mandatory only during movement within the facility, as it was possible to remove it once seated in the room. Now, the mask must also be worn during the entire session, even once seated. Some cinemas required already the wearing of the mask during projection, but this was not the case for all institutions. As a reminder, the non-respect of wearing a mask in enclosed public places, amounts to 135 euros.

Jean Castex has also announced that the headquarters of distance, a measure imposed since the re-opening of cinemas on 22 June, would not be imposed. The Prime minister has, however, issued a reservation on this matter, explaining that “in areas where there is a strong movement viral, there will be the cumulation of the two obligations” (the port of the mask and the seat distance, ed). Among the other hygiene rules in force in the cinemas, we note the obligation of wearing a mask in the hallways and common parts of the property, the facilitation of online bookings and the systematic cleaning of the rooms and sessions. Cinemas must also be scrupulously careful to the influx of spectators and avoid the crossing. Later in this article, you are summarizes in detail all the hygiene measures to be respected when one goes to the cinema.

What hygiene measures respect for the audience ?

The theatres were re-opened in France since 22 June. However, things will not be exactly as before the confinement, as a health protocol lays down the measures to be taken both for the rooms and for the public. Among them, wearing a mask is compulsory for the spectators, distances must be respected between the spectators, and online bookings are preferred to avoid any contact. You below summarizes the measures of hygiene must be respected in cinemas :

The port of the mask is always required for clients, whether it be in the hall, the spaces of movement but also in the room during the movie. It is no longer mandatory to leave a seat of distance between the spectators, “except in areas where there is a strong viral traffic”. In this case, people who came together (families, couples, etc) can sit side-by-side as a vacant place is left of the group in the room. To avoid contact, it is recommended to buy the tickets on the Internet or in contactless payment at the checkout. Spectators are asked to respect a physical distance of one metre with other audience members during their travels. Messages for health prevention will be broadcast live on screens prior to sessions.