NAYA RIVERA – Five days after his disappearance on the lake Piru, the body of Naya Rivera has been found and identified. The causes of his death have been revealed at the end of the survey.

Summary Biography of Naya Rivera Naya Rivera in Glee Josey Hollis Dorsey, the son
of Naya Rivera tragic Death of Naya Rivera

[updated July 15, 2020 14: 24] It is a drama, tragic, who brings affliction Hollywood since last Wednesday. After five days of searching, the body of Naya Rivera has been found in lake Piru, California. The actress of Glee had been missing since July 8, so that only his 4 year-old son had been found in the boat that his mother had rented a few hours earlier. According to the autopsy, which was performed at the discovery of the body, Naya Rivera would have drowned accidentally. In a statement, his family wished to thank the security forces who have managed to find the body of the actress. “Our infinite gratitude to the heroine who has found it.” His relatives also like to thank all the support that they have received these last few days. “Thanks to his friends, colleagues and fans for their unfailing support. Our angel insolent joined the sky.”

According to the findings of the police, the actress of 33 years and her child, Josey, had swum together in the lake Piru. Currents appear in the afternoon in this place dangerous for swimming. The anchor of the boat was not thrown, and the boat was able to drift. According to the theories of the investigators, Naya Rovera would have done everything to save his son and put in a safe place, in the boat. It would have thus drawn his last sources of energy to save his son, before sinking. According to the testimony of the little boy, his mother climbed into the boat, then he has not seen.”She gathered her energy to save her son, but not enough to save itself,” concludes the shériff in a press conference. Since 1994, 9 people, including the actress, drowned at lake Piru, reports TMZ.

See the file

Disappearances, searches, autopsy… What we know about the tragic death of Naya Rivera

The actors of Glee pay tribute to Naya Rivera.

Following the macabre discovery, the former colleagues of Naya Rivera were keen to pay tribute to him on social networks. All the ex-actors of Glee have hailed the talent of the interpreter of Santana. “She was courageous, she was eccentric, wrote Darren Criss, the actor who played Blaine Anderson. We had fun a lot with it. Naya made me laugh as a person on the board. […] I think that she had more talent than we will ever be able to see.” Coach of the pom-pom girls in the series, Jane Lynch has simply written : “Rest thee, sweet Naya. What a force you were. Love and peace to your family”. Chris Colfer (Kurt Hummel in Glee) has also reacted to the death of Naya Rivera on Instagram : “How to testify of his love and his respect to someone in a single post ? How to summarize a decade of friendship and laughter only by the words ? If you were friends with Naya Rivera, it would be simply impossible. His genius and his humor was without equal. Her beauty and talent came from another world.” The other actors of the series are also attached to these tributes and expressed their sorrow at the loss of their former colleague on the social networks.

In the columns of the Hollywood Reporter, the three creators of the series Glee (Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan) have shared their grief at the news of the death of Naya Rivera. “Our hearts go out to his family, particularly his mother Yolanda, who has played a big role in the family Glee, and his son Josey”. They indicate, moreover, be in the process of mobilizing to “create a fund to finance the university studies of the beautiful son that Naya loved above all things.”

Biography of Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera is an american actress and singer. Born January 12, 1987, she is known for having played Santana Lopez in the series Glee from 2009 to 2015. It has also appeared in the film At the Devil’s Door and in the series Devious Maids.

What was the role of Naya Rivera in Glee ?

Naya Rivera has made her debut as an actress in the 1990s, her small roles in The Prince of Bel-Air, family life, baywatch, or The Master of Disguise. But it was her role in Glee which was revealed to the public at large. The actress joined the cast of the musical series from Ryan Murphy in 2009 in the role of Santana. His character, a minor at the beginning of the series, is gaining in importance at the end of season 1 and from season 2, to become one of the protagonists of the result of the show sang. As of 2014, his role in Glee is lessened, although she makes a few appearances. In total, Naya Rivera will play in every season of the musical series.

Naya Rivera mother of a little boy, Josey Hollis Dorsey

Naya Rivera is the mother of a little boy, age 4, Josey Hollis Dorsey. Born in 2015, this child is the fruit of her relationship with her ex-husband, Ryan Dorsey. The couple shared custody since their divorce, in 2018. On the day of the disappearance of Naya Rivera, July 8, 2020, his son was present. He was found asleep and wearing a lifejacket on the boat, rented a few hours earlier by the actress of 33 years. The little boy explained to the authorities that his mother had fallen and had not yet returned to the boat. He was safe and sound and has been entrusted to members of his family, the time that the authorities are seeking Naya Rivera.

What are the causes of the death of Naya Rivera ?