Endocrine disruptors are ubiquitous! In water, in air, in gardens and in homes, on clos, furniture, creams, containers. For many, food is primary source of contamination due to contact with packaging, presence of pesticides or persistent organic pollutants. And although some of se substances are quickly degraded in body, continuity of exposure maintains permanent impregnation.

This does not mean that you are in danger but fact is that se substances are well present. And even in absence of definitive evidence of toxicity, it is refore reasonable to limit exposure when possible. To try to reduce your exposure level, read this list and good luck!

At home

At home, endocrine disruptors are in every room:

● Construction coatings, paints, slabs … are impregnated with perfluorinated compounds, solvents or phthalates.

● Carpets, carpets, curtains, cushions, sofa, armchair or bedding foams contain polybrominated compounds to make m less flammable and textiles are sometimes coated with stain-resistant components such as perfluorinated compounds.

● Electronic devices: TVs, Computers … contain brominated flame retardants released by heat. Turn m off completely outside of any use. As for electric wires and cables, y contain phthalates to soften m.

● The use of detergents containing solvents contaminates just about every part. Floor waxes contain perfluorinated compounds. Note that se pollutants are found in air and can be inhaled. The exposure measures of general population are sometimes carried out by measuring substances sought in household dust. Well ventilate daily and vacuum once a week are effective ways to reduce concentration of se pollutants at home.

In kitchen …

● Utensils often contain endocrine disruptors. You find perfluorinated compounds in non-stick coatings of stoves and pans and in paper and/or cardboard packages treated against fat (such as those containing burgers in fast foods), on tablecloths and towels waterproofed and stain-resistant. You also find phthalates in plastic containers. These different substances migrate containers to food, especially in case of heating. As such, do not heat food in a microwave in plastic containers and do not use scratched or worn containers and utensils.

● The tap water is contaminated by traces of hormones from drugs and released into urine (contraceptive pills, hormone rapy, etc.), it can also be by lead or bisphenol A contained in materials of piping.

● The food is impregnated: fruits, vegetables and cereals are main suppliers of pesticides and fatty foods (meat, fish, milk) of polybrominated compounds. As for fatty fish, y are particularly contaminated because y are at end of food chain (mercury, dioxins, PCBs). It is recommended to limit ir consumption to once a week. Some parabens are also used as food additives as preservatives (E214, E215, E218, E219 …) because of ir antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

It should be noted that bisphenol A (BPA) is prohibited in food containers since 2015, especially in cans and canned coatings, as well as in plastic packaging and bottles. It is still possible to find it in blender-type utensils, microwave boxes, pressure cooker tanks or refrigerator tubs.

In bathroom

Medicines, creams, soaps, perfumes … Endocrine disruptors are everywhere.

● Some medications interfere with hormonal system since it is ir mode of action-such as contraceptive pills. For ors, this effect is more unexpected. Paracetamol, aspirin or indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory, for example, reduce production of testosterone in adults, and re are concerns about use of paracetamol during pregnancy. In addition, phthalates or parabens are also found as excipients.

● Phthalates are also present in many hygiene and cosmetic products (deodorants, aftershave, shampoos, aerosols for hair, nail polish) and parabens fall into composition of about 80% of cosmetic products as than Conservatives. As for triclosan, a biocide, it is present in soaps and toothpastes.

It should be noted that shower curtains are flexible for phthalates!

In nursery …

● The use of plastic toys is a major source of exposure. In smallest, it goes through saliva because of ir mouthing. Several phthalates cause a health hazard and have already been banned.

● Or secondary sources come from direct contact with certain coatings, including carpets or rugs.

On oneself

New clos are often impregnated with pollutants used during manufacturing. Wash m thoroughly before first use. Some dental composites also contain this substance. The salivary concentrations of BPA in patients receiving se amalgams are n higher than in general population.

All aboard

Seat foams, textiles, lubricating oils, headlight optics and brake fluid are all providers materials of endocrine disruptors. The rates found in car seats would be even representative of levels of impregnation measured in ir drivers, according to a study.

Get to work

The workplace is not spared. Several studies indicate that level of BPA contained in dust collected in offices can be five times higher than that of domestic dust.

Some professionals may also be more exposed in case of handling of plant protection products, manufacture of chemicals and use of solvents. The protection of workers exposed to endocrine disruptors is provided for by Labour Code: These persons must be informed and have adequate means of protection.


Organochlorine pesticides such as chlordecone or DDT (insecticides) have been banned for many years because of ir toxicity, but ir persistence in environment makes soils and waters continue to be polluted. They accumulate in organisms during food chain, causing a risk to human health. Current pesticides, including organophosphate, follow same route. For record, France is one of world’s leading users of pesticides, of which 90% are reserved for agriculture. The remainder is used for treatment of wood, but also for use in human and veterinary health such as pesticides, mosquito control, dératisations. Their use is prohibited since January 2017 for maintenance of public spaces (see, gardens, parks).

Or endocrine disruptors such as PCBs or polybrominated PBDEs are also found in large amounts in seabed. They are detached from ir original support, find mselves in atmosphere and follow same route as pesticides.

Air is also polluted by combustion products due to human activities, including factories such as dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.