You need to switch to a new bong due to many reason – it is broken or you need an upgrade or are sick of cleaning or desire a new high. Even if your current piece is perfect, you can use a new one. However, you will just feel overwhelmed with all the options available in the market, today. The ultimate decision will be based on your personal needs.

Material options like glass, ceramic, acrylic, and wood can also be stunning. Glass is classic but plastic bong is cheaper. On the other hand, ceramic is beautifully designed, whereas wood boasts style and durability. It is crucial to gain knowledge of current options to get a better idea.

Ask yourself some questions like –

·         What will be bong used for?

·         Will you use it 2 or 3 times in a day or week?

·         Is it to be used solo or in group?

·         Will you carry it on a trip?

·         Are technicalities crucial to you?

·         Will you clean it regularly [be truthful about your laziness]?

Bigger is not always better

All these aspects will contribute in deciding to choose a quality glass bong. It does not matter, if you are in the market to purchase your first or tenth bong. In case, this is your first bong then consider your lung capacity. If you choose one with lots of perks or very tall then you will not enjoy its performance. If you ignore filling the chamber with smoke than you will not get the high hit experience.

If you fill it totally then clearing it with single hit is impossible, so you will be left with stale taste in the second hit. Chamber and mouthpiece measurement will also affect bong smoke. Elongated bong chambers are hard to clean, especially when it tapers towards the top. Wide chamber or mouthpiece will hinder your hit control, so buy a bong that is comfortable.

Big bongs offer awesome hit but take more space. If you are new and don’t know how to store it or handle it then the chance of braking it are more. Glass bongs are technically easy to break as the material itself is fragile. Never be discouraged because there are several glass bongs designed to be robust and perfect for daily use. Glass beaker bongs are fairly durable and good for frequent passing from hand to hand but its height must not be shocking.

Aspects to ponder  

While you plan to buy glass bongs then you will also need to consider the attachments like party bowl, ash catchers, upgraded down stems, extra percolators, etc. certainly, a good quality glass bong with no perks can be perfect in terms of structure and simplicity but adorning it is certainly a topic to think about.

Even in glass material you will find lots of aspects to consider. If you care for clarity then get clear glass bong or desire to enjoy a hit lying in a hammock or recliner then get bent bong because smoke gets directed towards you without any need to sit straight. For easiest clean up avoid splash guards and extra perks. For refreshing hit choose one with ice catcher. You can even get good options for a colorful bong.