The home purchasing process is one of the most stressful things that you are going to have to endure. Applying for a mortgage has gotten tougher  and if you work for yourself, get ready for quite a bit of paperwork to fill out. The mortgage company might also want confirmation with current clients you work with. After all of these hoops have been jumped through it is time to think about the features that you desire in a home. Couples often times have differing styles when it comes to the home so figuring out a compromise before going to look at home is important. The following are features you need to consider when looking to purchase a home.

Defining Must Haves

Defining the must haves whether it is number of bathrooms or bedrooms is essential. A home that is too large can cost quite a bit of money that might strain finances while a home too small does not allow a family to grow into the home. Sit down and write out a list of those things that you simply cannot compromise on. This will help eliminate homes nearly immediately when you are viewing them online. Making sure to calculate the monthly budget when features like a pool are discussed as it can be quite expensive to maintain a large pool.

Updated or Renovation Project

The largest option that many people have to deal with is taking a home for a lower price that needs to be fixed up or having the home turnkey. Plenty of people want to put their own mark on a property but others already have enough stress from buying the home. Taking on renovations alone can lead to more expenses if major mistakes are made. You also have to make sure that your home meets code so hiring unlicensed contractors is both dangerous and irresponsible.

Outdoor Entertaining Space

Outdoor entertaining space is something that many buyers have in mind. This makes it easy to have company over without having to worry about a massive cleanup in the home. Features like outdoor pizza ovens can even allow the mess to be brought completely outside. Outdoor kitchens are favorites for people who live in warmer climates as they have the ability to entertain outside for a majority of the year.  The right lawn furniture or a deck can help complete the perfect space to entertain guests and relax outside.

Price Per Square Foot

Price per square foot needs to be analyzed as even great homes with a lack of square footage can lead a buyer to make a purchase that might not appreciate in value. In large cities square footage can come at a premium price when compared to larger homes that are in the country. Take a look at every home and list the things that you like about it. You might find that one deal outshines the rest as paying the lowest price per square foot should be in the mind of the budget conscious buyer.

Highlight the features of a home that are important to you and then search accordingly. Do not get wrapped up into the pitch of a realtor but rather take the analytical approach to purchasing the home.