JOHNNY HALLYDAY. Laeticia Hallyday announced that it had entered into an agreement with Laura Smet, but not with David Hallyday. The widow of Johnny in Paris Match.

Summary The response of Laura What agreement ?

[updated July 15, 2020 16: 45] After over two years of court battle and a final agreement, the explanations of Laeticia Hallyday. At the beginning of July, the widow of Johnny Hallyday announced that it had found a “definitive agreement” with the eldest daughter of the Taulier, Laura Smet. But not with David Hallyday. In the columns of Paris Match, the last wife of Johnny explains this turning point in the legacy Hallyday who rips the family of Johnny since his death in December 2017. “It was necessary to renew the dialogue. I am glad that it finally arrived. Stories of heritage, there are in all families ; except that, for us, everything is played on the public square. The story of Johnny belongs to the French, so everyone wanted to get involved. There have been fabrications, fantasies, people I didn’t know started to tell the story of our life as they knew nothing, I had never seen them before !”, entrust Laeticia Hallyday, who explains to have “suffered tremendously.”

And to continue : “If we had been able to put around a table, with empathy and compassion, I’m sure we would have been able to resolve the problem much sooner. It would be tight in our arms and we would have advanced. Now, I hope we’ll do it.” For the widow of Johnny, the latter would not have desired that satisfy all the members of his family. “I know, me, in his will, no matter what you think, was a true testament of love. He never wanted to do harm to our elders. I think that he wanted to protect us all, and, more particularly, Jade and Joy, because they were smaller. I hope that now everyone understands it,” says Laeticia Hallyday in Paris Match.

Laura Smet response

After the publication of the maintenance of Laeticia Hallyday in Paris Match, Laura Smet’s response on RTL. “There will never be peace as possible,” she says in an interview that will be aired this Wednesday evening. And nuance : “I am very happy that there is an agreement, we move on to something else. I am going to become a mom. I want to be serene. I don’t want to get in a fight longer than that.”

What is the agreement between Laeticia, Laura and David ?

The end of a long arm of iron, or the beginning of a new episode ? In a statement published by AFP on July 3, 2020, the lawyer of Laeticia Hallyday announces that an agreement has been reached with the eldest daughter of Johnny, Laura Smet. Since the death of the Taulier there are two and a half years, his widow and his first two children engaged in a legal battle long and complicated. “Aware that the situation born out of the questioning of these decisions could last longer, Laeticia had expressed the desire to reach an agreement with the elders of her husband. It is the peace demanded by the mourning, as the serenity that must dwell in every family”, know Master Gilles Gauer, attorney of Laeticia Hallyday in this press release.

“Johnny Hallyday, who died two and a half years, had taken in respect of his wife and her two minor children, provisions heritage specific and protective in 2014. His wife Laeticia has always been faithful to his choice and respectful of the commitments that she had taken with her husband”, is added.