You have lots of suit colours to choose from. The regular options are black and grey. They look fascinating and are safe for any skin tone. However, they’re not the only options. You can have other colours to choose from. These are some tips to help you pick the right one. 

Start with your favourite colour 

If someone asks you what’s your favourite colour, you instantly have a colour in mind. You can start with that. If there’s a suit of that shade that matches you, it would be perfect; otherwise, you have to try your next favourite colour. 

Check the trends

If you have no idea about the perfect shade for you, it’s time to open the latest magazines or fashion sites online. You can check the trends in suits and determine which of them would be perfect for you. Of course, just because it looks good on someone else doesn’t mean it will be the same on you. However, trying the trend might be worth it.  

Check your closet

You can check the suits you currently own. If you notice that you mostly have black or earth tones, you might need to try other colours. You don’t want to stay safe with black forever. It might look good on you, but it’s also fun to spruce things up. 

Ask your friends

You can also ask your friends to recommend the best colour for you. They might have suggestions about the right shade that will bring out your best side. Your friends have seen you wearing different colours over the years, and they can tell you which one would be good for you if you have to decide which suit colour to have. Tell them to be honest with you if you’re planning to choose a colour they think is too weird or unsuitable for you. Good friends won’t allow you to choose a colour that will make you look terrible. 

Ask your tailor 

If you have no idea where to start, you might want to consider the help of a Bespoke Tailor. If you opt for a bespoke suit, you will work with an experienced tailor. Although you can decide every detail, you can still take the advice given to you. Tailors have worked with different clients over the years. They have made suits for different sizes and skin tones. They can recommend the right suit colour for you. Apart from the colour, you can also ask for recommendations on other details. Tailored suits might be expensive, but you will enjoy them for a long time. They are also from durable materials that will guarantee longevity. 

The way you carry a suit matters

Although the suit colour is important, it’s not the only thing that matters to boost your appearance. Your attitude also matters a lot. Even if you look fascinating, if you don’t feel that way, it’s difficult for you to stand out. During business meetings, you can’t convince the people in the room if you don’t feel confident about how you look in the first place.







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