Since the recent announcements of government, no re-opening date of the film has not been announced. For now, it is not known when it will reopen in the rooms.

[updated 25 February 2021 at 11: 03] The sector of culture, including the cinema, is heavily impacted by the health crisis. Since the second containment at the end of October, the rooms remained closed more than a hundred days, without for the time of the prospect of reopening at this point. The last time Jean Castex has addressed the situation of the world of culture, it is the 7th of January 2021, when he indicated that the meeting would remain closed at least until the end of the month of January. Since then, no prospect of re-opening has not been announced, the sanitary conditions are not met according to the government.

Several stars of the seventh art have challenged the government and, more particularly Roselyne Bachelot on social networks to call for the reopening of cinemas, such as Jean Dujardin and Pierre Niney. February 8, 2021, in an interview with BFM TV, the minister of Culture said, “hear the frustration artists. There may be a number that is missing in the inquiry that makes me Pierre Niney [that noted at this date that the cinemas were closed for 100 days, editor’s NOTE] : 80 000 dead by the coronavirus, hundreds of thousands of people with sequelae extremely hard, these people who never find a normal life, ( … ) It is this that is difficult to manage : take account of the constraints and health and to ensure that the cultural activities continue in the best way.”

See the file

30 films we hope to see at the cinema in 2021