Intermittent fasting is becoming one of the most popular diet techniques these days. Most people who have tried this method revealed that they felt a lot better than before. They also saw a drastic change in their body weight. 

This fasting technique involves the non-consumption of food for about 16 hours. You can only eat within 8 hours. However, there are other varieties of intermittent fasting that you can try. Some people push their limits by eating only within a 4-hour window. Others also tried eating on alternate days. 

The good thing about this diet technique is that although you are fasting for an extended period, you can eat whatever you want within an allowable period. Hence, it is a realistic diet strategy for a lot of people. 

The problem is that when you also do not watch what you eat, you could reverse everything that you worked hard for during the fasting period. These tips will help you decide what to eat and how to eat during that period. 

·Do not overeat. It might seem like an 8-hour window for eating is not a lot, but if you spend the entire time eating, it could still have detrimental effects on your body. Make sure that you also try to rest between meals. Most people would have one large meal when it is time to eat but have nothing else once it is over. Others take a large plate of food containing everything they want to eat. They do not need to finish everything in one go, but they could only eat it within that period.

·Focus on protein-rich foods. You need to build your muscles with the help of protein. The problem with fasting is that it could also decrease the muscle volume in your body or even muscle strength. Therefore, you need to eat protein-rich foods to replenish what you lost. When eating meat though, you can remove the fatty part. Given the importance of meat in this diet, it does not hurt to book a table at one of the Kosher restaurants in NYC and have your favorite steak. Besides, kosher meals are healthy and they fit into this diet method perfectly.

·Plan your meal ahead of time. Some people overeat during the period when they can eat because they grab whatever they can find. However, if you have a meal plan according to your diet, you will stick to it. When you are at work when it is time to eat, you can bring the food you prepared at home.

·Reduce your food intake once the window is closing. Avoid eating when your time is almost up. You will find it difficult to go back to your fasting period when you are still eating when the window is about to close. Gradually reduce your food intake and prepare your body to undergo the fasting stage again.

Intermittent fasting has worked for many people because it is a realistic plan and it is easy to follow. Give this plan a shot and see where it leads you. 
