Javier Cardenas is without a program on TVE. Although in may board of directors of RTVE had been approved to extend contract of rush Hour, news program of Cardenas, who would become weekly and to occupy gaza strip’s late night, new direction of RTVE has decided to dispense entirely with space in new season, according to have confirmed sources of string.


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The renovation had generated controversy. Had become weekly, with a duration of 60 minutes and a cost per issue of around € 150,000, triple previous budget. It was expected that TVE will pay 1.907.000 euros for 13 contracted programs. Several councillors voted against renewal, but also approved.

In July, leaking of an internal email sent by producers of programme had generated rumors of cancellation of space, rumors that own Javier Cardenas had repudiated. Now cancellation is official.

In new season, Raquel Sánchez Silva will be leading program that will occupy gaza strip’s access prime time in The 1 (just after News and before space that is emitted at hours of maximum audience). Still have not given details about content of this new format.

The end of rush Hour is in addition to changes that management of TVE is taking in last few days with a view of grill in fall of public broadcaster. Last week made public dismissal of Pedro Carreño as a presenter and director of television News weekend as cessation of Jenaro Castro as a director and presenter of weekly Report, and news director not daily. Óscar González will assume post of director and presenter of weekly, while journalist Teresa Rodriguez Vega will be new director of news not newspapers of TVE.

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  • Cárdenas, ‘rush Hour’ and common sense
  • Controversy at council of RTVE, by extension of contract of Javier Cárdenas