Finance management is something that has plagued us for generations, the reason being that there is no exact formula that you can win in order to succeed. In addition, one of the reasons why it is something that has plagued us for ages is because most of us did not get a proper induction into the world of finances and finance management. That is why today we want to pose a question and ask what is the right to teach your child about finance management?

When Should You Teach Your Child About Finance Management?


Some parents feel that kindergarten is the best age to teach the child about finances and financial management. As soon as the child is old enough to start asking for you to buy them something, you need to teach them about finance management. However, you would need to use age-appropriate tools and you will need to take on an approach that they understand.

Primary School

Primary school-going age is when you can get your child their first piggy bank. In addition, officially at this age, you have introduced finance management. Moreover, with the piggy bank, they are able to put aside a little something in order for them to be able to buy what they want at the end of the school term.

High School

Most parents would rather introduce the issue of managing finances at high school age because at this age they are mature. Also at this age, they are given a proper allowance that they will need to manage and budget in order to get through the school term.


At college, your child id no longer a child therefore at this age, they need to have had the basics of finances and financial management under lock and key. Also at this age, they can get their first job as well, and they to be able to budget that money. Even if they want to play australia online casino games, they can do so because they are no longer a teenager.

First Job

At this age, it can be a bit too late to teach them about finance management, because they are now all grown up. However, at the same time you are never too old to start learning. If you had to wait until this long to teach your child about money and finance management, try introducing online casino games, as suggested by crazyvegas casino en ligne blog, as right are a great teacher. Remember to always gamble responsibly.