A mother of four, Fany Laurier gained over 100 pounds over the years until one day she had had enough and decided to take charge. Interview with a determined young woman!

Tell me the story of your weight gain?

When I was young, I was always thin, even skinny. The four pregnancies made me gain weight that I could no longer lose. In my early thirties, I climbed to 230 pounds (for a height of 5ft 6in) in January 2020. I was also going through a toxic romantic relationship that was affecting my relationship with food.

What were you eating then?

Lots of junk food, fast food, fatty and sugary foods, ultra-processed foods. I had no hours to eat, no food structure. I drank a lot of soft drinks. I also found comfort in food when I was experiencing a negative emotion.

What was the trigger for your weight loss?

I separated and had to leave my family daycare with the arrival of COVID. I then had time to take myself in hand and a new spouse ready to support me. In one year, with lifestyle changes, I went from 230 pounds to 115 pounds.

Did you make any big changes?

I cut out all the desserts, especially the concentrated sugar. I quit soft drinks. At one time I weighed and measured everything, I admit I was rigid, but today I have added a lot of flexibility and I also leave room for pleasure foods. I have achieved a nice balance. I upped my protein intake. I also started fitness with online workouts that I could do from home. The gyms being closed, it was the perfect solution for me. The effect of these changes on my weight was drastic, 115 pounds lost in one year.

How do you maintain your weight today?

Today, at 33, I have regained the weight I had before my pregnancies and I have maintained it for over a year. I am now a manager in a restaurant in addition to having 6 children with the reconstituted family. I’m super busy and I don’t have as much time for training anymore, but I move around a lot with the kids. I am very motivated to persevere in my good lifestyle habits, I have no desire to regain the lost weight.

My meals are balanced (meat, vegetables and starch) and, if I am hungry in the evening, Greek yogurt with fruit fills me up. My tastes have changed so much! I am no longer able to eat something very greasy (like all-dressed pizzas from the restaurant) without feeling physically ill afterwards. Rich meals make me nauseous.

I am not forbidding myself any food today. I eat everything, I even ate French toast drizzled with maple syrup yesterday without feeling guilty. I can also go to the dairy and eat ice cream with my children. I rediscovered the pleasure of eating.

How did your children experience your transformation?

At first it was difficult, because the pantry was reviewed and revisited. Kids still eat cookies and granola bars, but I don’t buy the same brands I used to. I learned to read labels and choose better products. There are always fruits and vegetables ready to eat now. It’s so much easier to eat healthy when healthy food is accessible. The whole family benefits from the dietary changes I made. We all eat a lot better today and we all move a lot more together.

What would you say to someone who would like to lose weight, but who doesn’t know where to start?

First, there are no miracle recipes. With the will, however, anything is possible. Above all, do it for yourself, not for others. Then, you have to work on maintaining it, it’s the most difficult phase, but the renewed energy motivates me to never go back.

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